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*Not edited*

Alex's POV

It was the next day and I had already finished my morning routine. I now sit at the kitchen table across from Sam, who is happily munching on his seventh piece of bacon. Curse him for being happy while I'm over here trying to be mad at his stupid self. Sam, seemingly feeling my heated gaze on him, looks up and puts his bacon down, his smile faltering.


"Hello." I say curtly.

"Look, I know you're mad at me but let me explain. Everything that's been happening with Darius is big. However, it's not my secret to tell you. You don't understand how hard it is for me to keep this from my closest friend." Sam reaches over and grabs my hand, that is resting on the table.
"I want to tell you and I know Darius does too. Now just isn't the right moment. If we tell you too soon and you don't understand, it will hurt a lot of people."

After hearing this I start to wonder why Sam even knows a secret of Darius'. They just recently met through me and now that they know each other they don't talk with each other unless it's through me. So why does Sam know this apparently big secret and--

I cut my own thoughts off. They are only adding to my anger and it really sucks big time being in a fight with Sam, so for right now I'll keep all my questions to myself and accept Sam's apology.

"Myself and I have talked it through and we have decided it is best to forgive you for now." I announce to Sam.

Sam let's out a big breath of relief. "You don't know how happy I am to hear that, Lexi. I promise I will never lie to you again.. unless it is absoulty necessary."

I roll my eyes at the last part of his comment. "Whatever Sammy. I'm just glad we're  good again." I say snatching his plate, stealing the rest of his bacon.

Sam pouts at this. "You hurt me, Lexi, you really hurt me." He whines childishly.


"Can I get a medium caramel macchiato with a little extra caramel please?"

"Alright, anything else?" The barista asks.

"Nope." I chirp with a smile.

"What's your name?"

"Alex." I say, so the can call my name when my order is ready.

"Okay, that'll be $4.45, ma'am."

I hand the barista a five dollar bill. He then proceeds to tell me my drink will be ready in a few minutes while giving me back my change. I turn around and go to sit at an available table. I haven't been to the coffee shop these past couple of days due to the fact that I was trying to avoid Darius, but since I made up with Sam, I figured I might as well make up with Darius to.

I look out the window next to the table I'm seated at and see a familiar looking figure approach the coffee shop. My eyes follow the figure as it enters the shop and goes to stand in line, still not having noticed me.

I hop up from my seat with a smile and walk over to Drew, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hey, loser." I say playfully

He turns and looks down at me, a smile growing on his face when he sees me.

"Alex! How are you doing, kid? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages."

"Drew, it's been like a week since we last saw each other, but I don't blame you I have that affect on people."

"Don't get to cocky now little miss princess."

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