Chapter 11

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They are in NRecords, the entertainment company of The Nines.

Arthit and Fang met the manager of The Nines who turned over to them,  their share from the money they raised. The seniors are very grateful for the funds.

They were walking in the hallways when Gee approached Arthit.

'You' re dating Kong' he said directly.
Yes.' Arthit answered.

Fang was looking back and forth between them.

'So you swing that way.'
'I swung that way because of him' Arthit confirmed.
' I met him first!' Gee insisted
' From what I heard you bolted to the US.' Arthit reminded Gee which infuriated the popstar.
'Why you!' Gee grabbed Arthit's collar.
'Ai, Nong'gee! Not here!' Fang tried to separate the two.

But Arthit is not one to be intimidated. He answered, 'Kong has pestered me enough for me to give him up.'
'What makes you better than me?
I have money, fame.' Gee stared down at him.
'I have Kong. Thank you for all the help.' Arthit simply stated and walked away.

Gee was seething. PFang was stunned.

' I' m sorry. I didnt know Ai, I could have taken someone else with me' she apologized.
' It's alright. I needed to talk with him anyway.'

Fang looked at Arthit. He's known for being bad tempered but that moment, he was calm. She knew Kong and him are dating but the word that has gotten around is, it was the junior chasing after Arthit. But after what she witnessed, seems Arthit is also gone for Kong as well.

On the other hand, Gee is frustrated. Whatever he wants, he gets. He wanted Kong for so long. He stormed off their practice and found himself in Kong' s school.

He was walking in the field when he heard someone say,

'Let me stay with you tonight.' Gee peeked and it was Kong talking to Arthit.
'Why?' the senior asked.
'You messed up our last date, so you have make it up to me.' Kong said in a pouting face.
'By taking you to another date, not you staying tonight' Arthit countered.
'P....' Kong whined.

He has never seen Kong that way. Kong is stubborn and charming, people are just drawn to him. He never had to work for someone's attention, well, until now apparently.

'Kongpob, why are you insisting? ' Arthit asked.
'Classes are starting and youll get busy I'll miss my wife.' he said in a low voice.
'Wife eh?' Arthit raised his brow.

Kong approached and Gee saw Arthit look around. Kong pulled his chin up and gave Arthit a peck but the latter pushed him

'Kongpob! Not here.' Arthit chided him.
'So later?' Kong slyly asked.
'You're impossible!' Arthit ranted at him
'But P...' Kong is outright teasing him now.
'Fine.' Arthit surrendered.

Kong smiled triumphantly. Gee swallowed. He need not do anything more. It's fairly obvious that the two are together and Kong is happy. He left quietly.


When they went to get Kong some  clothes, they saw a drone with a letter.


I hope you will still be my friend. Please accept this as my apology to you and your fann.


'He must really like you.' Arthit stated.
'Well, I'm flattered but i think he's just lonely.' Kong said.
'What do you mean?'
'Gee's father abandoned him when he was young. It was a stepfather who raised him and he was deprived. I think this is why he flaunts his fame and fortune, to make people notice him and love him.' Kong explained as he picked the drone up.
'It's good we can be friends again'
'You don't like him?' Arthit asked
'I don't like guys.' Kong replied
'What about me?' Arthit asked, He's guy right? How can Kong not like guys and love me?' he thought

'Um, you're you?' Kong looked at him.

It took several moments before realization dawned at Arthit.

'So if it's not me, you won't like him?' he asked.

Kong nodded. Arthit looked at Kong as he got his clothes. Sexual identity is tricky as hell. He tried looking at other men as well just to check if he feels something but no, just Kong. As Toota would say, he's Kong-sexual.

When they went down, Kong was surprised when Arthit hailed a cab.

'Where are we going?' The confused Kong asked Arthit who seem to be nervous.
'I need to drop off something' the senior evaded

He showed the taxi driver where they are going. Kong was too excited to be with PArhit to pay attention.

They stopped in a restaurant and Arthit said they will eat there.

They sat down and Kong looked around saying

'It's a nice place.'

This puzzled Arthit, Is Kong acting coy or what? Why is he looking around like it's his first time here? He wondered in silence.

'Surely you know that, you have been here before right? He prodded the younger man.

Their order started arriving and..

'What do you mean no?' Arthit is confused now.
'It's my first time here.' Kong clarified.
'M told me this is your favorite restaurant, so how can it be if it's your first time here?'
'M? Oh he meant Grangers on Katrun Boulevard.'
'This is....a... different restaurant?' Arthit stuttered.
'Yes. That was seafood place, this is Thai restaurant.'

Arthit gaped at Kong.

Kong looked at his boyfriend. Why does he look so shocked then disappointed? He looked so eager and secretive in the cab.

His fave restaurant.....M....Could it be? Kong looked at Arthit, he is blushing now.

'Could it be you wanted to suprise me? Kong accused him with wide eyes.
'What surprise? Just eat.' Arthit evaded, not looking at Kong.
'So if I ask M, ---' he begun saying
' Dont!' Arthit is so red now.

Kong, the tease asked the server to take a photo.

'No.' Arthit whined.
'Come on'

After the photo was taken, Kong said out loud,

'Caption: When my boyfriend planned a surpise dinner in what he thought was my favorite restaurant which turned out to be different with a similar name.'

'Kongpob!!' Arthit glared at Kong.

Arthit wants to melt in shame, he botched their last date and now he messed up the name and location of Kong's favorite restaurant.

But Kong is still eagerly taking photos of the food and the place.

'Kong. No need to document how I messed up again' he pleaded to his boyfriend
'P, its so innocent and sweet. I am so touched.' Kong informed him.
'Stop playing coy. I know I'll never hear the end of this.' he gave his boyfriend a sharp gaze.

Indeed, with his patented smirk, Kong said, 'You know me to well, P.'

Arthit bumped his head on the table.

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