Chapter 25

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Arhit breath a sigh of relief when Kong went out to the bathroom.

'Are you alright?' he asked when he noticed that Kong was touching his neck and winces in pain thereafter.
'Feeling under the weather. I don't know, kinda dizzy.' Kong said as he sat on the bed.
'You fell asleep too early.' he accused Kong.
'More like you woke me up. Why were you banging the door like that, anyway?'
' You weren't answering.'
'I was asleep, P.' Kong deadpanned.

Arthit sat on Kong's chair as the young man sat and leaned on the headboard of his bed.

'Why did you play hero in Uncle's class?' Arthit finally got to what he came here for.
'I didn't play hero.' Kong denied.
'Oh yeah?' he dared the younger man.

Kong just massaged his temple. Tsk, the last thing he needs now is to receive a lecture from P'Arthit.

Arthit noticed Kong is wincing in pain.

' Come here.'

Kong was suprised as Arthit made him lean on his shoulder and massaged his temple.

He smiled. He missed being this close to PArthit. He can feel him and even smell him.

' Why do you think your head aches?' he asked as Kong felt his deft fingers on his temple.
' I finished three of the five problem sets.' Kong answered, darn this massage is too good.
'What?' Arthit move looked at him that made Kong lean down on the bed.

Arthit took a pity on his fann and went back to his position.

'You took Uncle's instruction seriously?'
'What do you want me to do?' Kong confronted the senior.

Arthite became silent.

Kong sighed at Arthit's soft massage on his temple. Wow, if this is what he gets for the headaches, he'd gladly solve many problem sets.

Then the touch stop.

He looked up.

'Why did you stop?' he asked.

Arthit was just looking at him. Soon Kong is leaning up and met Arthit's descending lips.

They shared a kiss, longing and concern were expressed wordlessly by the melding of their mouths.

' Give me all the problem sets in the world if this is what I get after.' Kong thought.

Arthit too is savoring this. After hearing what happened today, he knew his interactions with Kong will have to change.

Kong smiled at him but he was stunted when PArthit looked at him with worry.

' Kong' Arthit's voice shook but he needed to do this.
' Yes.'
' Let's not talk with each other in school.' Arthit said as he turned to look over the window, away from Kong's shocked gaze.
'What?' Kong exclaimed.
' I do not want Uncle to know about us.' he stated.
'But P...'Kong pleaded.
' My parents don't know Kong.' Arthit looked at Kong who in turn saw an emotion he swore he had never  seen in his senior's eyes - fear.

Kong leaned on the headboard. Why does it have to happen now?

' Will you still meet with me?' he prodded the older man.
' I' ll try. He's watching over me like a hawk.' Arthit said.
' He said he raised you.' Kong stated giving the senior the opportunity to explain.
' Yes. My mom and I used to stay with him until I was 10 years old since dad was away with work.' Arthit explained.

'P...' Kong said with worry evident in his voice. He is not liking this.

'Take care of yourself, Kong.' He kissed Kong's temple and stared at him.

'Why does Kong feels like PArthit is looking at him for the last time?

Suddenly Kong's nagging headache is the least of his worries.


Author's note:

This fic is what I imagined to be the events that happened after Ep14 in Sotus the Series and before Sotus S.

Thus, the characters cannot act beyond how they were clearly characterized in Sotus S. They can develop like Arthit overcoming his bad temper for him to be mature like he was in Sotus S. But in terms of fear of being seen, people beyond their faculty knowing their relationship, that is constant until Sotus S. ^.^

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