Chapter 20

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' Kongpob, state and give an example/illustration of  the Third Law of Economics,' the Professor called out to Kong.

Kong, who was absentmindedly scribbling on his notes,  didn't hear him.

'Kongpob.'  The professor called again. Kai kicked Kong's chair.

' Oh professor.?' he stammered.
' Welcome back to Earth, Mr. Engineer. State and give an everyday example of the Third Law of

' Third law. Rational people think within the margin. It means people must wait until the last minute  of their actions to judge its effects. That people's actions might have caused hurt but that person can change up to the last minute, completely redeeming themselves.'

There was deafening silence. The Professor was gaping at him. Kai was dumbstruck. Didn't they study this?What rubbish did Kong just say?'

The Professor seemed to have recovered then said,

'Yes Professor?'
' ARE. YOU.DRUNK?' the bewildered Professor asked.

The class laughed that Kong went so red. Kai facepalmed then raised his hand.

The class became silent. Kai never, ever recites. Not in their first year, not until now. He thinks recitation is beneath him. Kai sees recitation just as an opportunity for teachers to embarrass students.

'Y..yes Kai.' the Professor said.
'Thinking within the margin means getting the best results. In other words, if you have the option of getting a good car or a perfect car you get the perfect car. But what Kongpob said about waiting last minute for the consequences of a person's action before judging it, can be considered since it might be the best option afterall. Depends on one's standard about a person.  People might surpise you and redeem themselves in the end,  the surprise factor balances the hurt that you experienced. But for some people logical choice is for you to choose someone perfect, or almost perfect.'

There was silence. Are they still talking about economics? Why do they sound like they are talking about something else? Their classmates wondered.

The Professor blinked then after a few moments...

' Of course, of course. The benefits cannot be judged until the last minute. Good job Kongpob.'

Kong turned to look at Kai who just shrugged. Is he really a genius or the Professors are just scared of Kai that they believe what he says, even if Kai was downright spewing out rubbish? Nevermind that he did spew those rubbish to save him, Kong pondered.


The seniors were hanging out when they heard,

'How was your class with Prof. Dragon?' a girl asked her friend.

Prof. Dragon is a moniker they used to refer to one of the most feared teachers in the Faculty of Engineering.

'It was eventful!' The girl perked up.
'Eventful how?
'Kongpob was scolded for not having his problem set with him. Kong scrambled to even get to class on time which was so unlike him.'

'So did the Dragon let out the fire?' the other asked.
' You bet she did. Kong is the only one who's bright enough for our class. Then...' the girl cut off.
'Then what..' she prodded her friend who is obviously excited.

'Kai, that genius from  economics arrived with Kong's notebook.' the girl beamed
'No way.' the girl exclaimed.
'Get this, Kai obviously made Kongpob's problem set for him. He even corrected the Dragon in one of the problems. The Dragon was too embarassed that she did not call out Kongpob for having someone else do his homework for him.'

'That's crazy'
' Well, she can't touch Kai. I heard the Faculty of Engineering is trying to make Kai switch majors.'
'Since Kai is always here and he'll be a great asset.' the girl explained.

Then the rowdy bunch of sophomores arrived.

'Damn Kong let me see that.' Oak grabbed Kong's notebook. His friends immediately gathered to look at it.

'Kai was amazing,' they said with pure awe in their voices.
'We should totally ask him to tutor us.' Tew said.

Kong just left to  buy food as his friends were still gushing about the answers. He ordered his usual and to his suprise, he was informed that they were already paid for.

'Who paid?'

He would like to deny it but Kong's heart skipped a beat when the vendor said the name of the person who paid for his food.

' Nong, you lucky. He was very embarrassed when he made the request but your fann is so determined. Ah, young love.' the vendor sighed.'

Kong just gave the vendor an awkward smile and he left.

Kai entered the cafeteria. Kong's friends all but fawned over Kai who immediately held an impromptu tutorial session. When Kong came back,  they saw the sophomores cleared the spot beside Kai for Kong to sit on.

Kong and Arthit's gazes met and Kong moved to sit next to M. But then Kai grabbed Kong's food.

'You owe me, you scatterbrained engineer. You accidentally left your notebook in our classroom. ' Kai stated.

'That's my food Kai. You go get your own. I'll pay you back in another time.' Kong sternly said which suprised everyone. Kai was stunned too, Kong has been walking around like a zombie these past days and this is the first 'sign of life' from him. Kai returned the food.

' You owe me a snack.' Kong nodded.

The seniors were taken with the scene. Arthit was all but ready to jump at Kai when he grabbed Kong's food. Arthit had to bit back his smile when Kong held off Kai from his food.

It took several seconds before it registered to them that Bright was walking with his notebook towards the sophomores.

Prem lunged to pull him back.

'What? If Kai can make me pass...' he muttered.

Toota gave him a sharp stare and pointed at Arthit with his lips.

'Ohhhh. Yes, I am a senior. I don't need tutorial.' Bright chanted as he took his seat again.


Author's note:

Some of you may totally hate me for posting this chapter but I enjoyed writing this especially the 'rubbish' explanations at the start.🙃🙃😆

This is just for fun. Kai's explanation about the car is the correct illustration of The Third Law of Economics. I just exaggarated it in the end to set the story 😉 and to save Kong, whose mind is, you and I know where it is. 🙄

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