Chapter 42

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Hi! In a few minutes, it will be a month since Ive published this fic. I just wanted to have fun, let my imagination loose. I didnt expect you guys would be in for the crazy ride. Thank you for reading, for the votes and for your comments. You don't know how your comments inspire me on what to write and even change for the better what I was supposed to write. 😉. 😊😊😊


Arthit was unable to react immediately to what PVolt said. Arthit was about to clarify what he meant, when someone called PVolt.

'I'll see you NArthit. Ill give you a call to know if you and your friends are available.' he bid goodbye.

Arthit just nodded. Did PVolt just admit that was how he sees me?

'A'iArthit' Jean,one of the student tandem the Faculty of Communication sent to the caravan, called Arthit.
'Hey AiJean. How are you.?'
'Glad to be back like you. We had a great trip eh?' She asked.
'Yes.' Arthit agreed.
'I saw that you met PVolt.' Jean observed.
'You know him?'
Yes, he gives workshops in our college. You are lucky ' Jean said.
'Me? Why?'
'He never took a solo photo of a student.'
'So many students have been asking him for years. He's a superb photographer and photojournalist . But he's more focused on the story behind the photo. Story not the subject, he usualky says. Nobody made him take solo photos until you.' Jean explained.

' I dont understand.' Arthit claimed.
'Seems you,Parthit as his subject, is greater than any story he can tell. There was an upheaval in the Faculty of Communications when your photos were displayed. PVolt is a superstar there and he took a subject of his photos from the Faculty of Engineering. Worse,he featured not one but 8 solo photos.' Jean informed him.

'You knew he was taking the photos?'
' Yes. Mia and I were the only ones who knew. This is kinda our field. ' Jean sheepishly admitted.

'I'll see you around, AiArthit.'

Arthit's mind is still trying to absorb everything Jean said even after he bid his goodbye to her. Arthit is mulling over what both PVolt and AiJean said to him. Now, Arthit is confused.

He shook his head when he heard shrieks. He's been spotted. He ran away again from the students who saw him. On his way back, Kongpob asked to meet him for lunch.

'Hungry P.'
'The school thinks your fann visited you.' Kong softly said.

Kongpob showed him the University forum.He has never seen so many sad emojis in his life. The crying emojis were from students reacting to the news that he has a fann. The photo shows Arthit and Volt.

'Kong...' Arthit looked at Kong. He remains so calm still. Different from how he reacted with Ariana. Could he be growing up?

'Who is he?' Kong asked, so Arthit told him what happened hours ago.

'Seems he's very accomplished' Kong remarked.
'Yes. '
' And you will assist him here.'
'Yes together with my friends'
'Oh okay. I thought he was wooing you.' Kong said with a sigh of relief.
'He kinda appeared out of nowhere. I thought he was the photographer because if you have seen your photos, those photos show how that photographer sees you.'

Kong noticed Arthit looked down then turned and let out a deep sigh.

'Parthit, you alright.'
'Kong.' This is bloody difficult. But Arthit doesn't want a repeat of what happened with Ariana when both of them are too scared to open their mouths and talk. Thus, the resultant misunderstanding.

'Yes, PArthit.'
' PVolt was the one who documented the caravan.' Arthit declared.
'You mean....'

He nodded.' He took my photos.'

'I understand you already saw your photos in person and realized how PVolt sees you.' Kong said, his voice cracking.
' Kong, I don't know what to think anymore. I don't even know if that was me.'

Kong was lamenting the fact that PVolt has seen through PArthit when he realized too late what the senior just said, 'Huh?

'The guy in the wasn't me. He's... mesmerizing.' Arthit stuttered.

Kong blinked.

'Why do you think I've been chasing you all this time?' Kong inquired.
'Why are you asking me that now?! Arthit yelled.
'Come on P, what do you think?'
'You're... you're damaged in the head. You're loveblind.'

Kong chuckled.

'Kongpob! This is is a serious matter.!' Arthit glared at the amused sophomore.
'PArthit, do I have to woo you again to make you realize how special you are?' Kong directly asked which made the senior blush.
'Why are you saying rubbish again?' Arthit evaded.

'I dont know how to make you see that you are that person in the photos. That is how I see you PArthit, all this time. That's why it is a big deal for me, someone else saw what Ive been seeing all this time and now the entire University is seeing you that way.' Kong patiently explained.

PArthit was silent for long time. Then he finally said, ''re not brain damaged?'

Kong laughed. Damn, that's what he got from everything I said? PArthit is so darn adorable and cute. Kong just wanna pull him in his arms and hide him. Away.


'No,P. It's you. You are that person. I was just way ahead of everybody else on realizing how cute you are. I'm glad I was first to woo you.'

Kong paused, he reached out to touch Arthit's arm, then slyly added, 'I hope to be first in something else, PArthit.'

Arthit kicked him. 'Ouch P, my scar.'

Arthit's eyes widened then sat beside him to check on him. But instead Kong bent to kiss his cheek that Arthit pushed him.

'You! Stop acting.!'
'Stop kicking me P. You might hit it next time.' Kong pleaded.
Arthit moved to return to his seat but Kong pulled his uniform.

' Pleaaase, PArthit.Stay.' Kong whined.

Arthit sighed and stayed beside him.He crossed his arms and demanded, 'Transfer my food here then.'

Kongpob smirked but followed him.
Kong even mixed the sauce and soup for him.' Darn it, what are these tingling sensations that I am feeling as Kongpob prepares the food for me. I'm a darn guy, what tingling?!' Arthit pondered.

But Kong just smiled at him and he hit him,

'Stop flirting here.' Arthit ordered.
'Okay later then.' Kong said.
'Im going back to my dorm.' Arthit blushed as he is recalling how his friends teased him about living together with Kongpob.
'Your clothes are wet.,P. You cant go back' Kong stated.
'PArthit, I did your laundry for you.' Kong proudly declared.
'Who told you to do that?!' an aghast Arthit asked.
'Eros.' Kong answered swiftly.
'Who is that!"?' Arthit prodded.
'Greek God of Love.'

Arthit almost choked on his drink and Kong was shaking in laughter.

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