Chapter 50

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Arthit pondered on what the Dean said to him. Arthit put in jeopardy his studies because of his love life. ' Know your priorities.' The Dean was aware that Kong was listening so he whispered that last sentence to him after Kong closed the door, thinking that the Dean was already done with his advice.

His friends flocked on him when he entered the hall.

' Oi, Arthit, we will miss you ' Bright cried out.
' Why?!' Arthit asked.
' You were expelled, right?'

They all kicked Bright.

' Hey ouch! Damn, this hurts.' Bright whined.
' We were worried Bright, so shut up.'

Bright sat down beside Arthit looking like a kicked puppy. Arthit just smiled at his friend.

' What happened?'
' Kong came to my defense.'
' Ohhh, you made up already.' Toota said.
' I actually dont know where we are right now and this happened.' Arthit sighed.
' What do you mean?'
' Knot, I came so close to getting expelled from school or even suspended because of my emotions.'

His friends looked at him.

'Okay what prompted this?'Knot asked.
' The Dean told me to know my priorities when Im here in school.' Arthit stated.
' Oh'
' You talked with Kong about it?'Prem asked.
' Not yet. Im trying to think about everything.'
' We're here man.' Knot said.
' Yes. We're here. But why aren't you getting expelled?' Bright inquired.
' Bright, shut.up!' Toota roared, Bright hid behind Arthit.


When Arthit arrived in his dorm, PVolt was there.

'What do you want?' Arthit asked, his irritation evident in his voice.
'Who do you think you are?' Volt shouted.

Volt advanced on him with a menacing glint in his eyes. He was about to grab Arthit and Arthit prepared to hit him.

'You really want to be expelled eh? Come on hit me.' Volt challenged.

Arthit froze that Volt smirked. ' Now the feisty lamb is back to the meek lamb.'

Arthit remembered what the Dean said. Volt kept advancing on the younger man. It was when it all clicked on Arthit, Volt is just trying to rile him up.

Volt looked suprised when Arthit stood his ground.

'Surrendering  to me then, good.' the journalist smirked. 'Arthit is really a beauty especially when he is like this, when he is Volt's for the taking.' Volt licked his lips, finally Arthit would be his.

Volt was preparing to pounce on Arthit when the senior said,

'I do not know how you are a journalist when you are unable to see the truth. I do not want to be your muse. You call yourself an adult yet you resort to childish tactics to break up people who are together.
Kongpob may be 6 years younger than you but he respects people and their choices. You, however,  do whatever you want but I think you just enjoy the chase. When something's new and shiny and unavailable, you want it. Then raise hell like a petualnt child if you dont get it. Honestly, you're just 25 year old baby.' Arthit said, his gaze cold and hard.

The journalist was stumped. But Arthit who just stood there  was really thinking, ' Darn, what if he really attack me here.'

'I do not have all afternoon.' Arthit challenged.

When the journalist did not move, Arthit sighed and walked past him  then said,

' Chase someone else PVolt.'


Arthit was awakened by loud knocks on his door.

Kong has been pounding on Arthit's door. He was afraid some tenant will come and chide him for it.

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