Chapter 58

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Soft bells signalling the building maintenance workers are around, woke up Kongpob. The young man stretched and nuzzled his face on his soft pillow.

As he opened his eyes, Kong still feels a bit tired. But then, one good night of a shuteye is not about to make up for five nights he has been missing sleep.

When he saw a photo on his bedside table, the young man froze and buried his face on his pillow. Kong doesn't know what prompted him to act like that before PArthit. Well he acts like that with his sisters and Mom and even his Dad. They have a warm relationship afterall. Maybe the stress has gotten to him that yeah, he ended up sulking before his boyfriend.

'What have I done? What if PArthit loses his patience with me?' Then Kong outrightly shuddered with the following thought that came to him, What if Parthit will really stand by what I said that he's not my fann?'

The past six months have been crazy for both of them. Gee, Kai and PVolt. They both weathered all the storms. Now just because he was tired, he was sulky....he took seriously PArthit's mocking denial he is not his fann.
'But what if PArthit decides I'm much of a bother? He even offered to walk me back to my dorm and I refused. Wow. I,Kongpob, who has been chasing PArthit all this time had the gall to reject his offer?'

His being the Benjamin of the family really gets out sometimes especially when tired- his patience is short, he is sulky most of all. His parents, especially his mom, indulges him but he doesn't know about his notorious ex-head hazer boyfriend.

But as he looked at the room across his, he remembered PArthit has really been patient with him last night. ' I feel like I was Dan with the way I acted. And Parthit, bless him, never once yelled at me.'

Kong tidied his room to keep himself from thinking about his fann. He also went to the grocery since he might not find time again. In the grocery, he smiled when there are only few customers. However, in one of the aisles, he was suprised when he saw PArthit by himself.

PArthit was almost pouting as he is choosing between two chocolates. Yes, the senior has a sweeth tooth. Kong cannot himself so he surreptitiously followed him around.

'This is borderline stalking, I know. But I'm not sure yet how to approach him with the way I acted last night.' Kong thought.

As Kong followed him around, he can't help but be amused of the different emotions on PArthit's face - how he beams when he found his favorite snack or how he inspects the products and how he pouts when he is unsure which one to pick.


Kongpob turned and was surprised when it was the mall security.
' Please come with us to the Manager's Office.'
' Eh? What for?'
' Better discuss it there, away from nosy customers.'

Arthit takes his hygiene seriously. That is why when the mall security approached a young man, he did not notice the shock felt by the customers since he was busy choosing his shampoo. It was when he decided to go for a mint shampoo and move on to another aisle that he heard,

'Why did they take him?'
'He's so young!'
'He's far too cute to be a shoplifter.'

He looked up and thought he saw someone with Kongpob's profile enter the manager's office but it's so far back already so the senior moved on.

Kong looked at his pockets to check if he absentmindedly put inside one of the products. 'Why did they take me here?' he wondered.

' Nong, we noticed you have been following this customer.'

The female manager prodded Kong to look at the screen. It was him, indeed, following PArthit. Kong wanted to hit his head on the wall. Of course, that is how it would like to strangers. He is like a creepy stalker hiding behind product displays and looking at PArthit.

' That is illegal Nong.' the manager added.
'But I have a good reason.'
' What?'
'Did he file a complaint?'
'Not yet, but we are proactive here, we are letting him know now.'

Arthit was surprised when the mall security informed him someone has been following him. Arthit felt dread all over his body. ' I thought PVolt has already left me alone.' Arthit was imagining all the complaints he would file against PVolt as he entered the office so imagine his surprise that he saw familiar face.

'Nong, we found this junior stalking you for over half an hour.' the manager said.

Arthit was unable to react.
'PArthit...' Kong called the senior.
Arthit blinked and automatically looked at Kongpob. 'He was the one stalking me?'

The manager must have seen the recognition in Arthits eyes that,
'You know each other,'
'Yes,' Arthit affirmed.
'He has been following you. Would you like to file a complaint.'
' I'm used to it.'
' What do you mean?'

Kongpob saw PArthit smirked at him as he said, 'He confessed to me in school so he can' t help himself but to follow me around.'

Kongpob's eyes almost popped out along with the manager's.

'Oh he's your admirer?'

Kong was about to interupt but Arthit raised his brow at him, daring him to get himself out of the trouble he created in the first place. Kong, knowing better, shut up.

'Yes. he's my junior. He likes me very much.' Arthit said his voice mocking.
Kong's eyes widened.

'Is that true Nong? Is it true you're his junior?'
'Yes' Kong answerd.
'You like him very much?' the manager asked further.

Arthit faked a cough. Kong threw him a dagger glare. ' Why is PArthit doing this?Is he messing with me? Is this his payback for last night?' Kong wondered.

'Nong,' the manager called out the junior who seem to be spacing out.
'Yes.' Kong admitted through gritted teeth.
'Thats why you stalked him.'
'Yes.' Kong can see the amusement in PArthit's eyes as he admitted to everything.

'Hala, Anya, it's just young love. Let them go.' the mall security urged the manager.
'Do you like him too?' The nosy manager asked PArthit with sparkle in her eyes.

'Um...I'm still trying to decide.' Arthit answered as he saw Kongpob's eyes almost popped out. The senior had to flatten his lips to keep the laugh that is threatening to escape him.

'Ohhh. Like him already! He's so handsome, creepy yes, but handsome. This is so romantic!!' the manager swooned.
'Anya!' the security reminded the manager which made her remember to do her job.

'Sorry. Nong, you're lucky he knows you and was not offended you stalked him. I know your P is cute but control yourself, alright? Woo him, buy him chocolates, we have promos outside. You want gift cheques or coupons?' The manager half chastised, half advised Kongpob.

' Anya?!'
'Oh Simon, chill. It's like you were not young once. Hala, you two go already.'

The two bid goodbye and Arthit was using his arm to cover his grin as they went out of the office. Kong's cheeks colored from all the advice of the manager.

When they were outside, Arthit couldnt take it anymore. He laughed like crazy in the middle of the grocery.

'My stomach hurts.' he said as leaned on the shopping cart.

Kong's cheeks turned red as people were whispering about him being escorted by mall security and his senior is not helping by laughing at him here.

'I cant believe you got picked up by security. ' Arthit said.
'You didnt help...' Kong said.
'Hey, I got you out of there unscathed, you owe me.' Arthit teased the younger man.
'Not without embarassing me first.' Kong confronted the laughing senior.
'Embarass? Did I lie inside?' Arthit dared the younger man.
'You confessed to me, you're my junior and you like me very much. Is there anything not true with what I said?' Arthit raised his brow at him, daring him to contradict his litany.

Kong looked at the amused face of the senior. He just went straight to the counter to pay for his groceries to get out of there. Fast. The senior is having too much fun at his espense. 'To think I was worried about how to approach him after last night.'

Arthit, seeing the retreating back of his fann, whooped.' Kong -01, Arthit - 01.'

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