Chapter 55

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With the finals looming at them, Kong and Arthit became busy. Kong had always been an organized person. But this time, he can't believe he let his love life issues mess up with his studies that he is now playing catch up.

As a result, Arthit has been missing the annoying goodmorning stickers that Kong always sends and they barely met. When they bumped into each other that Friday, Kong even continued walking ahead.

'Kong...' he called him
'Oh PArthit, ' Kong said after he stopped on his tracks and turned to see the senior.
'You are this busy?' Arthit asked the sophomore. ' Nope, I'm not missing him.'
'Yes, I was distracted last week.'
'Anything I can help you with?' Arthit offered.
Kong shook his head. ' I' ll be fine, P'

That weekend, Kong studied with his friends.

' Why did we party again?' Tew whined.
' Our last hurrah before the incoming hell weeks.'
'Well someone at least enjoyed so much.' Oak sent a inconspicious nod to Kong who is still looking down on his notes.

'How did you get so behind with our lessons?'
'I was distracted,' Kong answered, still not looking up.
'Does that distraction starts with an A followed by an R--?' Oak chanted
'Oak! Just stand up, lets grab lunch.' M said.

Then someone doorbelled. As Tew opened the door, they were surprised that it was PArthit.

'Oi PArthit,' Kong said,
Rolling his eyes Oak quipped, ' And he finally looks up from his notes.'

Arthit did not expect the sophomores to be there since Kongpob was not answering his phone when he tried to call him.

'We're going to get lunch...' Tew said, filling in the silence.
'Join us,' Kong offered and Arthit just nodded.

In the elevator, one could hear a pin drop. The sophomores are just looking at each other, unsure how to behave with the senior. Sure they drink together but this is the first time they will spend time together without alcohol in front of them and everyone knows the wonders of alcohol.

Arthit decided that as the senior, it is up to him to break the ice,

'What are you studying?' Arthit asked as they were walking to the canteen.
' Prof. Dragon.' Tew said
'I can help you,' Arthit offered.
'Oh Kai is coming later.' Oak said.

Kong looked at Arthit, Tew elbowed Oak. M's face registered horroras he recalled how the senior yelled at him to get Kong home and not Kai.

As they got their food, Kong's friends sat as far away from the couple as they possibly can.

'Kai is joining you,'
'Yes. We need help.'
'He's going to your room,'
'P, everyone is there.' Kong said.

Arthit sighed, 'Just study hard. '
Kong smiled.

'What do you think they are talking about.?'
'M, if you didnt tell us to sit as far away as possible, we could have heard,' Oak deadpanned.
'Im still scared of PArthit.' M admitted
'He is Kong's boyfriend. Many times he called you, right?
'He was.. yelling in both times.' M stuttered
'I dont know what to do with you,M. It's not like PArthit will eat you.'
'He eats people?'
'Ye-... What the hell, M?!' Oak hissed at his friend who looks at the two with dread.

Arthit noticed that the sophomores are speaking in hushed tones and not their their usual rowdy selves. He looked at Kong and was about to say something when,

'Oh good I'm hungry.'

It was Kai approaching the sophomores. The 3 immediately perked up,

'Huhu our savior!'
'We will feed you Kai.!' Oak declared.

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