Chapter 37

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'Come on NKongpob.' Tom urged the sophomore. They visited two schools this morning and they had the afternoon to themselves.

'I want to ask Parthit first.' Kong said.
'You can exist without him.'
'But he might look for me.' Kongpob explained.

Arthit was sipping a fruit shake when he thought,  'I miss pink milk. Travel is good but pink milk is better. I'll ask Kongpob that we get one even before we go back to our dorms, luggage and all. Wait, I can buy pink milk on my own. Why am I thinking of him?  He's your boyfriend, duh.'

Shook his head. Is this pink milk withdrawal? Why is he arguing with himself?'

He looked ahead and saw Tom tugging Kong.

'What is this nosy Tom up to this time?

' AiArthit, let's go to that island.' Tom pointed to the small island across their resort.
' It has white sand and no one lives there.'
'No.' Arthit declined
'Okay Kong lets go, we invited him. He said no.'
'P, you dont want to go? Kong asked.
'No. It's dangerous.'
'The boatman says we will come back after like 2 hours.'

'P, come on. ' Kong urged.
'Listen to me Kongpob. It's uninhabited for a reason. Stay here.' Arthit ordered sternly.

Tom blinked at the two. Why can't Kongpob decide on his own? Yes, Leo is his junior but I don't make decisions for him. Certainly I do not demand Leo to listen to me. And Leo does not act like what I say matters anyway. What is up with these two? Is this the effect of the toughtest hazing in the university that the senior and junior are this close?'

'P, come on. I want to go there. We might not get this chance again.' Kong pleaded.

Athit made the mistake of looking into Kong's eyes, he is seriously making puppy eyes at me?'

'Fine. You really can't go anywhere on your own.'

Tom is still baffled but whatever. The 8 of them rented a smallboat and sailed across. Kong smiled at the breeze hitting his face,  the salty taste of the air and the blue green crystal clear waters. Most of all, he's with new friends and PArthit.

The island front was rocky so it was a pain to reach the shore. No one was really living in the island. The shore was indeed filled with smooth white sand sparkling in the sunlight. It was a beauty to behold. They took photos and Kong brought the drone with him, doubling the fun.

They begun walking into the inner part of the island. Beautiful trees with white flowers lined up both sides of the path. It makes a beautiful scenery and of course, a photo background.
There was a lighthouse at the end of the path.

Tom saw a tree with sturdy branches and asked everyone to climb a branch so they can pose for a photo.

'Ai'Tom this is dangerous.' Arthit told the other senior.
'Just help the girls.' Tom waved him off.

Ara almost fell. Arthit hissed.
'You okay, PAra?' Kongpob asked.

Ara smiled and blushed.
'Be careful.'  Kongpob said.

Seeing everyone is in place, Arthit took his place then Tom set the camera and Kong navigated the drone.

They continued walking until they reached the other side the island. The girls saw starfishes and asked to go to further the shore to look for more.

The boys are tired.

'Ai'Kongpob, come on.'the girls from the communcations asked him.

Arthit looked at Kong sharply. And the senior cocked his head wordlessly saying, Stay.

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