Chapter 47

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I better put up an angst warning here.


Arthit has been trying to call Kong but the sophomore isn't answering his phone. Arthit went to Kong's dorm but Kongpob did not show up.

Arthit kept on replaying everything on his mind. 'Did Kong really break up with me?'

'Kong....let me explain,' he whispered as he sat slumped in the doorway of Kong's dorm.

Arthit missed his classes. He knew he will not be able to concentrate anyway. So when Knot came over,

'Arthit, man, take a bath.' Knot exclaimed in shock after he looked at his friend.
'Knot...' Arthit called him weakly.

Knot pushed Arthit to the bathroom. Arthit's room is a wreck. Arthit looks like a wreck. He was disshelved, his eyes are puffed like he has been crying. 'What happened? Was it so bad that it managed to reduce the proud ex Head Hazer into this messy state?'

'Have you seen Kong?' Arthit asked.
'M said Kong went home.'
'Man, tell us what happened.' Knot asked, his voice shaking with worry.
'He broke up with me.' Arthit said, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.
'What?!' Knot expected problems but did not expect them have broken up.

'He said he may not be enough for me. He asked if he didn't appreciate me enough for me to be overwhelmed like that.' Arthit was mumbling now.

'How did it come to that?' Knot prodded his friend.
'He did not give me time to explain.' Arthit said, his shoulders are starting to shake.
'Maybe he was hurt. Arthit what would you feel if Kong did not reject Kai when he confessed and you were there watching?' Knot asked.

Arthit palmed his face in frustration. He already stormed off when Kong said he'll remain friends with Kai. 'Who knows what I could hve done if Kong did not clearly reject Kai right there and then? '
'Kong, Im sorry.' Arthit thought as he stared across to Kong's dorm.

When Arthit went back to school, he was surprised when he saw a box beside his locker.

He opened it and there was a toy robot model, Arthit knows that it costs a fortune.

'I hope you like it.' It was PVolt.
'I think you know by now I have a fann' Arthit said, meeting his gaze head on.

This suprised Volt. Arthit's face is so innocent. All this time, Arthit always looked like a meek and naive lamb who always seemed to be in a daze. 'Oh hello there, feisty one.' Volt thought.

'You used to have a fann.' Volt corrected.
'I will not accept this.' Arthit shoved the box at him.
'Don't you get tired of the same old love? He's just a boy. You need someone more mature to take care of you.' Volt insisted.
' Thanks but no thanks.' Arthit declined.
' You have been a gentle ray of sunshine all this time but I can say, I do not mind you as a blazing and feisty sun.' Volt moved to whisper on him but Arthit pushed him away.

'Leave me alone!' Arthit's voice boomed in the corridor.

For a moment, Volt looked surprised then a menacing smile appeared on his face. He is clearly finding this side of Arthit intriguing and this situation lit up his enthusiasm. 'Challenges gets me going,' he thought as he took a step closer to Arthit again.

With his eyes narrowing at the senior, Arthit snarled, ' You can't handle me. Only a moon can get close to the sun and not be consumed by it.'

When he turned, he saw Kong was there.

'Kongpob...' he called out
Kong immediately left.

Kong saw how PVolt tried to advance on Arthit. PArthit looked like a different person. His skin is missing that enticing glow and his eyes are bloodshot. His hair is all over the place. PArthit looked like a rain cloud has been constantly following him around, making him all gloomy, cold and..miserable.

But when Kong saw him push PVolt back with such intensity, Kong felt a little pinch in his heart. 'Hey, heart, stop reacting like that, not after what we went through.' Kong silently chastised his own heart.

Kong had to clear his head over the weekend. His sister was stunned when he showed up unannounced in her home. Little Dan was surprised when Kong just hugged him like a lifeline but the little boy indulged him. It did not help though when the boy kept asking him, ' P'prettyhit?'

When he can't answer, Dan looked at him then will simply said, 'Dan misses P'prettyhit.' Tears welled up in Kong's eyes which Dan just wiped away.

' P'pob miss P'prettyhit too?' the little boy asked innocently.

Kong just hugged Dan tight when he cannot find it in himself to answer. Then the little boy got Kong's phone.

'Call? P'prettyhit?' Kong can' t take it anymore, he broke down and just sobbed on his nephew. Dan just tapped his back as if to console him.

When Kong arrived in his dorm, he almost slipped when he stepped on something on the floor. It was an envelope. He picked it up and inside was a letter.


I know that when you asked me for a letter, this is not the kind of letter you have in mind.

Kong, I know what it must have looked like when I was overwhelmed. But Kong, I do not want him. I am not used to this attention. I needed time to process things. I am not you, Kong. I am not used to people confessing to me. I do not have your reaction time when you rejected Kai like that. What happened that morning took place in matter of of minutes, Kong. We are different Kong but I think that makes us so good together.

And Kong, Im not meant for all those people who just noticed me. They do not know me or accept me. I only need you beside me, Kong.

I'm sorry if I hurt you. But Im not giving up. Im not giving up on us. You might need time and I am willing to do whatever it takes to have you back. I will wait for you, if you decide to take me back.


Kong's tears just flowed as he was reading the letter. 'Why is this so hard? Why does it have to be like this? PArthit, stop messing with my head and my heart.' Kong silently pleaded.

There are three photographs inside the envelope with the letter. First, it was a photo of them in the Northern province. They were in the platform with the endless mountains serving a bavkground, PArhit was hugging him, his smiling face on Kong's shoulder.

Next was a photo of the two them studying in Kong's dorm when they missed their classes after the caravan. Kong remembered he was trying to ask for a reward from PArthit for completing his coursework. The photo was the reward. Kong can remember being so disappointed that day.

The last photo, however, made Kong's heart skip a beat, like his whole world stopped turning, it was a photo...

... of himself. He was asleep and someone's hand was on his head, fingers tangled gently on his hair.



I wrote this story to have fun. If I decide angst is fun, oh well, that's what I want, lol.

Also, an Alternate Chapter 47 can be found in my other story To Be With You, because somewhere along this story I had so many what if scenarios.

So there. 😝

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