{2}~Fools & Fun~

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AFTER collecting the said items from Melli, Jaron and Hunter headed out to kill some assholes.

The information of whereabouts was given to them and they'd set out on their journey. No questions asked.

"Dude, have you ever wondered if we could get HIV from the amount of blood on our hands?"

Jaron sighed. Here we go, he thought. "Hunter, HIV doesn't work like that."

Hunter shrugged. "Why not? I mean, the blood could seep through our pores and infect us."

Sometimes, Jaron thought Hunter didn't have a brain. It wasn't even a matter of having no filter because the things he says could be so fucking dumb, they gave you headaches. But then, there were times when he said thing so smart, it blew your mind.

He was seriously something. Hunter by himself was enough to take out an army of trained soldiers by solely driving them nuts. Let's just hope he finds his match soon enough.

The thoughts drained from Jaron's mind as the calmness of the quiet surrounded him, and for once, Hunter was silent. They walked a while before they arrived at the designated building.

It was smack dab in the middle of nowhere. Figures, typical psychotic kidnapper from hell chooses to settle down in the middle of creepy nowhere land.

Jaron looked at the front entrance of the building. It was a three story building which looked like nothing was going right for it. The windows were smashed in, the walls painted with overgrown ivy leaves and moss. The only thing seemingly intact on the building was the door.

Hunter and Jaron didn't bother to take caution, instead waking up to the sodden door and pushing it open.

As the door gave and creaked open, Jaron found help but wonder if the criminal was stupid as fuck or this was some crazy ass plan with an ulterior motive.

They walked in, the floorboards creaking beneath their feet. They were both suspicious now, cautions. This didn't make sense but if they got the job done, who gave a fuck about logic?

The room was dark, the only light filtering through a shattered window on the left side of the room, and now through the crack of the open door.

Debris was littered across the room, dust, broken chairs, tables, and couch cushions. The room was a mess. Nothing was intact as they looked around. There were no rooms in the expansive ground floor of the building.

"Let's check upstairs," Jaron motioned to the stairs in a corner of the room.

They walked over to the stairs and commenced the climb.

"Ew... ew, fuck I hate cob webs," Hunter muttered to no one in particular as he repeatedly brushed imaginary spiders off his exposed arms and shoulders.

Jaron rolled his eyes and motioned for him to shut up.

When they reached the top, Jaron was unsurprised to find quiet once more.

They looked around the rooms with open doors, carefully peeking in before entering and searching.

Both he and Hunter were wearing black short sleeve shirts that outlined their toned bodies. Hunter wore jeans that loosely hugged his muscled legs while Jaron wore pocketed cargo pants tucked into his black boots. They both carried handguns as they were expecting minimal contact with others.

The dark outfits aided in keeping them somewhat camouflaged in the darkness.

While Jaron speculated, Hunter had moved further into another room. If it wasn't for Hunter's bleach blond hair, he would've lost him.

"Hey Jare, c'mere. I found the boy," Hunter not so quietly whispered, poking his head out the door.

Jaron followed into the room to see a dark headed boy tied to a single chair in the center of the room. His hands and feet were bound to the chair while a gag prevented him from speaking and a blindfold from seeing. The boys head hung low as he sat uncomfortably and passed out. Jaron looked around as Hunter took to freeing the boy.

Nothing was adding up. Something odd was going on and Jaron felt it.

"Hunt, take the boy back to D. I'll catch up," he ordered.

Hunter nodded, understanding the abnormallcy of this situation. Hunter picked up the boy bridal style and carried him out the door.

Jaron stayed upstairs, looking around for a bit. When he couldn't find anything, not even a trace of footsteps on the dusty floorboards, he went back downstairs. As he was about to exit, he heard a sound behind him that had him turning and aiming his gun.

A deep, throaty laugh echoed in the room.

"So you've finally taken the bait. Took you long enough. What, two months?"

In front of him, a short, stocky man stood, also pointing his gun at Jaron.

"Who are you?" Jaron snarled.

"So you're Jaron, huh?" The man threw back, completely ignoring Jaron.

"Answer me before I blow your head off, you little shit!"

"Alright, alright. Jeez. Let me play a little. Don't forget I'm also in possession of a gun. Could shoot you just as easily," he sneered.

Jaron scoffed.

He could see the mans' fingers shaking from here. Despite the mans steady voice, his body language betrayed his fears. He clearly knew who Jaron was and he was scared.

"Do you know how many people I've had to kill to get to you?" The man continued.

Fuck the man was relentless. Tired of the back and forth, Jaron aimed for the mans knee and shot.

The man went down, blood pooling abound his crumpled form.

Loud screams filled the room, the shrieking quickly getting to Jaron.

"Shut the fuck up, will you!" Jaron tried to no resolve.

Jaron decidedly tuned out the screams of agony and desperate threats. He was thoroughly amused and fucking annoyed.

He'd never met a criminal to have had interest in him. It didn't settle well with him what the man had said last but Jaron decided to ignore it, deciding the man was only spewing more desperation. It was clear he was scared.

He was fucking annoyed too though. He shouldn't have shot him in the knee. Fatal mistake. Now he was going to have to drag a screaming idiot by the hair.

But it was the only way to make him surrender without killing him from blood loss in that situation.

Sighing, Jaron collected the mans gun and stuck it into his belt. He grabbed a handful of the mans shedding hair and began to drag him out the door.

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