{19}~Sessions & Soulmates~

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"HELLO, Jaron. How are you doing?"

Jaron sat up in the bed as King walked into the the room and looked over at him. "Hey, Doc. Doin' as alright as I can," he answered back.

"Really? You sound off; something wrong?" King asked.

"Just wanted to talk to you about something is all." Jaron replied somewhat bashfully. There had been a lot on his mind recently and he couldn't wait for the doctor to relieve him of his chaotic thoughts.

He looked up at King's surprised face. "Oh, um... yeah. Okay. Sure," the doctor quickly finished his check up, efficient, detached hands running over him in a quick survey.

"So, what's going on?"

"I, um-," Jaron couldn't help his hesitation at the more than sensitive and private topic he was about to share. It helped though, that he didn't expect to see the doctor after today.

"Is this about your condition? Is something the matter?" Jaron grunted, getting annoyed at the mans' perceptiveness about his health.

With a deep sigh, Jaron decided to get on with it.

"I wanted your advice on some things." Here we go. "I know that I can be very— I can tend to overlook things a lot. And I don't notice until I have someone react differently than I would've, if you know what I mean. Not that I've told too many people. Only one actually."

"Are you comfortable with sharing those things with me as well?" Doc asked, still standing with his hands now braced against the chair near the bed.

"I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't now would I?" Jaron snapped. He understood the man was trying to make him comfortable but his repetitive behavior was accomplishing the exact opposite.

Holding his hands up in a defensive stance, he came around to sit in the chair, leaning forward to lean his elbows on his knees. "I'm all ears."

Jaron's eyes widened, although this was what he'd asked for. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth, spewing his past to this man in less than five breaths.

"So, as a kid, I was never really a kid. This guy -bad guy- took me under his wing. Not in a fatherly or brotherly way though. At least I wouldn't say cause he sure loved fucking me a whole lot," Jaron heard King's surprised gasp but gave it no mind, choosing to continue as he had started.

"It went on like that. I would usually escape the day with one too many lashes and a sore asshole, a sore throat if I was lucky. It was normal for me, even better sometimes, because I knew he wasn't as merciful to others as he was to me. It was my life until one day, i was able to miraculously escape. It was almost surreal because I- I never..." Jaron trailed off, staring into air. He had to ask himself once again if this was real. Yes, it fucking was and he needed to get over himself.

"I'm really sorry you had to go through that Jaron. It can be really damaging to the mind, especially a child's, that kind of manipulation." Doc's somber voice brought Jaron back to reality.

"Yeah, but that's not the problem here..." Jaron relayed hesitatingly.

"Wha- what the hell do you mean that's not the problem? There's more?" Docs sudden change in mood cause Jaron to raise his eyebrows. What was up with him?

"Uh, Yeah. It's about Dom actually."

Docs eyebrows scrunched together. "What about him?"

"Um... I've kinda been seeing him in my nightmares lately?" Jaron said quietly.

"In your nightmares? Why would you be-," King looked toward the door and turned back, his voice quieting as he spoke. "What are you talking about?"

"I mean, he's been the star of some really torturing fantasies lately and I don't really know why. It's weird and unsettling. I don't know what to do about it." He looked at docs confused face and grimaced. He should've just kept this to himself.

"Is he bothering you? I've never know Dom to be that kind of person..." he trailed off into his thoughts.

"What the hell are you on about?"

"What do you mean? Didn't you just say he was torturing you?" King looked at him confusedly. Then as if a lightbulb went off in his head, he widened his eyes and whirled his head towards Jaron. "Is that where all your scars come from?" He asked, somewhat bewildered.

Squinting his eyes, Jaron wondered where he'd gone wrong. He hadn't been exaggerating when he said he usually took things in a different manner than others but what the hell? Plus, didn't he just tell the man about his fucked up childhood and whippings?!

"What are you talking about doc? I never said he abused me. In fact, it's more like me abusing his virtual dignity in my dreams." Jaron sighed when he realized he made no sense yet again and tried to clarify. "I've been having sex with him in my dreams and it's confusing the hell out of me."

Docs eyes widened further if that was even possible. "Ookay then. Um, so what exactly are you struggling with?"

"I need you to tell me why I'm having these dream/nightmares." Jaron stated.

"What? How the fuck am I supposed to know?"

"I don't know. You're the doctor."


"Wut?" Jaron shot back.

Doc took a deep breath and folded his hands together. "Alright, Jaron. Why do you think you've been having these dreams?"

"That's what I asked you," Jaron said in a slow tone as if he couldn't be bothered to explain something so obvious twice.

He watched in amusement as docs face transformed from calm to frustrated. King threw his hands up, standing, then sitting back down heavily. He drew in another deep breath. Then- "Do you like him?"


"There you go, that's why."


"You know," Doc leaned his elbows back on his knees, leaning forward. "For such a smart, ruthless person, your dunking stupid." He stayed bluntly.

Jaron rolled his eyes. This would be the second time he hears this today.

"I think he may like you back though," King said, surprising him.

"Excuse me?" Jaron asked.

"I see the light in his eyes when he sees you. The man would go to hell and high waters for you. Must be nice." King said, almost wistfully. Jaron's heart gave a flip at the mans' words but he scolded it immediately. It had no business jumping in glee. Was that what it was, glee?

"I don't want him to."

"Ah, but don't you?"

"No," Jaron replied stubbornly.

"Why do you deny yourself?"

"There is nothing to deny. I don't see how he's been acting as anything more than a great friend. Besides, I've already told you, I'm fucked up. A few hours ago was the first time I've gotten an erection in over a decade and it messed me up."

"Get to it on your own time. Just remember not to let your head get to your head. Kind of hard if you ask me, but I've seen those scars and to have lived through that must far exceed the struggle of simply being with your soulmate." With that, King walked out.

My fucking soulmate?!

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