{16}~Healing & History~

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JARON watched as Dom fetched the lightly scented massage oil they've been using out of the bedside table.

He felt trapped. It wasn't like he minded Dom knowing about his past. He had every right after all, Jaron was owned by Dom. To him, loyalty required giving yourself to that person and he'd been dishonest with Dom. Honestly, as much as he believed that, that wasn't the main reason for his discomfort as was his rapidly hardening dick.

Dom sitting on top of his ass wasn't helping that either. As much as he was baffled by his own reaction to Dom's closeness, the surprise wasn't enough to shut down his hormones. Sure there were the baffling facts that he hadn't gotten hard for another person in over a decade, or ever in his life, but tell that to his dick.

Once Dom was settled back on him, he felt the drizzle of warm oil over his upper back, moving lower in zigzags across his skin.

"So, tell me about these scars of yours, pretty impressive if I might say," Dom remarked. Then in a softer tone, he asked, "What happened?"

Sighing, he mentally prepared himself to get into it. Well, there wasn't much preparation to it, just remembering. The hard part would be his dick.

Jaron also didn't know what to expect from Dom or what to think of the sudden revelation of such a topic after having over a week of looking at the scars.

Deciding to begin way back, he started, "Ever since I could remember, I was always in the hands of Alfredo-,"

"Wait, the Alfredo?" Dom interrupted. "The one who is always heard of but never seen?"

"You know him?" Jaron asked, somewhat unsurprised.

"I know him, all right. He's been off the grid for a while. Never been able to pinpoint him or find anything against him. Police never gave a fuck, if they were even aware," he answered spitefully. His hands pressed down on Jaron's tense shoulders and harshly rubbed away the tension. Wether it be his own or Jaron's.

Jaron balked at the movement that had caused a delicious sting to travel down to his groin. He attempted to put away the moan that fought to tear out of his throat.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

Jaron shuddered and tried to rub himself discretely against the mattress. To his relief, Dom didn't notice his actions. Jaron stopped humping the bed once the spike of pleasure became a shadow of itself.

Remembering himself and realizing Dom's sudden silence was due to his tardy, he continued to tell his story.

"Alfredo was my master. I served him as his personal slave after a while. The scars are from the various whippings and cuts he gave me when I misbehaved."

"When you misbehaved?" Dom asked incredulously.

Jaron tried to hide his face as much as possible, embarrassed of Dom's reaction. Misbehaving was a natural part of child hood, he tried to tell himself. But the shame wouldn't go down. Dom wouldn't want someone that acted like a brat and couldn't follow orders.

"Yeah, when I wouldn't listen to what he said. Or when I would suck his dick wrong..." he felt Dom's hands knead deeper into his back.

"He fucking abused you?" Dom almost growled. Confused by his sudden anger, Jaron tried to calm him.

"No. It was his way of giving rewards. He forgives me usually when I would misbehave, and then reward me."

"You wanted him to fuck you?! Rape you! Fucking bastard, we'll see who likes being bled!" Now, Dom was positively pounding his back in. At least the pleasure would in time disappear. Too bad Jaron saw a very thin line between pleasure and pain.

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