{15}~Nightmares & Niceties~

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DOM buried his fingers in his hair, rubbing his scalp with his blunt fingernails.

It had been a week and Jaron had gotten to consciousness and short conversation. Still though, Dom was sitting on the edge of Jaron's bed, riddling himself with guilt. Knowing it wouldn't do any good but continuing to do it, he was also just exasperated at the way his mind chose to function at this moment. It was hell being him in this moment and he felt every bit of that struggle.

Sitting here on Jaron's bed, he felt useless. He couldn't bare to look at Jaron because the guilt would just come rushing back. Smart as he was, Jaron had noticed the haunt in Dom's eyes and taken to accusing him of self-harassment immediately. It was a given that Jaron wouldn't want him to riddle himself with guilt because he was just that kind of person. Dom excused his behavior on the meds.

Later, he knew Jaron would still stick by his side and respect him all the same. That bothered Dom. He wanted Jaron to lash out and get angry at him for leaving him. After all, he himself was struggling to forgive himself.

Lost in his thoughts, it took all but a loud -THUMP- noise to jerk his attention behind him. The once comfortably sleeping Jaron was nowhere to be found on the bed.

Rushingly standing, Dom ran over to the other side of the bed, the matted floor absorbing the sound of his steps.

He was met with the sight of a flustered Jaron, breathing hard and struggling to right himself.

The sheets had fallen with him, a tangled mess around his legs. He sat on the floor, resting his back against the bed side. He seemed to have fallen over the bed making Dom wonder what could've possibly incited that reaction.

"Come here, lets get you refreshed," Dom said, moving to help Jaron stand. At Jaron's flinch, although a bit hurt, he backed up and let him help himself.

After going through a struggle of inobedient limbs and leaning heavily on the bed, Jaron righted himself. With the help of Dom's strength, they made it to the en-suite bathroom. Jaron leaned against the sink where he splashed his face with water as if he'd just woken up from a nightmare. Maybe he had.

Helping Jaron back to the bed, Dom picked up the sheets and lay them out back over Jaron's form, situating him and making sure he was comfortable.

"I don't want you nannying me, Dom," Jaron muttered, slightly dulled light brown eyes rolling up to look at him.

"I'm not. I'm here as a friend." He said while continuing to make the bed around Jaron. Sure he'd never personally taken care of other members but Jaron was different. The need to be closer to him just couldn't be helped. As couldn't the need to keep him away from everyone.

Sighing, Jaron looked away and tenderly rolled his shoulders, wincing as he went.

As King had told him, they'd done all the right things and Jaron was coming back to his old self, if not a bit distant now. Those right  things included massages.

Speaking of massages, "Hey, how 'bout a massage right now? You seem pretty wound up," Dom suggested.

"I-," Jaron sighed dejectedly, "Yeah. Okay." He would always give in because he knew Dom would win in the end anyways. Besides, now was as good as a time as any.

"Alright then, turn over," Dom moved onto the bed and straddled Jaron's turned over form. As Dom settled himself comfortably at the base of Jaron's ass, he came to the stunning realization that he hadn't any glaringly obvious reactions in cause of his attraction to Jaron lately. He'd been so focused on caring for Jaron and making sure of his health and comfortability that he hadn't had time to dwell on the sexual aspect of their relationship. Wether it was one sided or not.

Now, sitting atop the back of Jaron's legs, he was grateful for the lingering guilt for it prevented any form of boner. He wasn't keen of feeling advantageous over a weak Jaron and he was glad his mind, body, and heart agreed.

"So, what was that all about? What got you so bothered you fell off your bed in sleep?" Dom asked, almost humorously.

Jaron's face was facing to the right side as he lay on his stomach and Dom noticed him reddening, a red glow beginning at the base of his neck and spreading upwards. He visibly tensed up under Dom and tried to move as if in escape. Okay. That was weird.

"I don't want to talk about it," Jaron bit out, the blow of the rejection softened by the muffle of the sheets against his mouth.

"Alright then. How 'bout you tell me about these scars here?" Do asked, lightly trailing his fingers over white scars and feeling Jaron shudder under him.

"Are you cold?"


"Alright, so..." He was pulling at invisible strings here, hoping they would give. Inquiring over such sensitive topics -especially with the closed off but blunt Jaron- was treading in dangerous waters but Dom didn't want to sit in awkward silence. Besides, since he'd seen them, he'd always wished to know, although there was little chance in Jaron actually telling him.

When Jaron seemed nowhere close to opening his mouth, Dom sucked in his disappointment and placed his palms on Jaron's shoulders. After a bit of rubbing lightly up and down, he shifted a little to get the oil out of the-

"About the scars or my past in general? Which one?" Jaron's softly muttered questions arrested Dom in his actions.

Caught off guard, Dom didn't really know what to say. That nightmare must've been pretty bad if Jaron would rather bare opening up about his scars. Still, it didn't seem like he wanted to. Well either way, Dom was feeling just selfish enough to allow himself this piece of knowledge about his Jaron.

Sucking in a breath, he spoke, decision made. "I-um, whichever you feel comfortable talking about, I guess."

Dom wasn't forcing him. Jaron had offered to talk. Right? Yeah.

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