{17}~Misses & Monsters~

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DOM was still unfocused from Jaron's history. The many details that had been stated so casually by Jaron had hit Dom hard.

Sitting in his comfortable office chair, he wasn't comfortable at all. He wanted to beat the shit out of Alfredo but he also wanted so badly to hug the shit out of Jaron. The man was so fucking strong and he didn't even realize it. It physically pained Dom to have to sit there and listen but he needed to and now he knew.

Fucking Alfredo. That douche would pay in the worst way. So would all the other people that have ever done Jaron wrong.

The mystery of Jaron's recent incident had yet to be solved. There wasn't a trace on Jaron or Jo to lead to a suspect and he hadn't want to pressure Jaron so quickly after his revival. Even so, that hadn't stopped Dom from making speculations of his own.

Over the years, Dom had kept Jaron close for obvious reasons and more. There had always been a queues of organization runners like himself looking to buy Jaron from him at such high prices. His organization had helped out many rich companies and people looking to seek justified justice. Jaron's work had surely been an attraction and they'd wanted to buy him as -usually- personal security detail. Of course they didn't. Dom had made sure of that after helping them, then not-so-politely declining.

A rushed knock sounded on the other side of the door and it opened to reveal a jumpy looking Paul. In the large door way, he looked tiny and scared.

"Is there a problem?" Dom asked, trying not to look like a disrespectful idiot in front of his employees. They didn't need his inner turmoil and drama infesting their workspace and home. Though it was becoming harder and harder lately, what with Jaron's state and all.

"Um, I-I need to talk to you about something," Paul spoke softly but quickly.

Dom nodded to the chair on the other side of the desk. Paul walked quickly, his footsteps barely heard as he rushed into the seat. He produced something from his hands and it was only then that Dom noticed the small tablet that Paul held.

"What's wrong?" Dom asked, taking in Paul's slightly shook state.

"I-um, the organization received a message, or more like an encrypted letter..." Paul spoke unnaturally fast. "It was- uh, sounded more like a threat... here read it," stopping his babbling, Paul handed him the black, slender tablet.

Sure enough, it was an encrypted message. The organization was no stranger to encryption. It was used by numerous clients to keep from breaking confidentiality, as well as being found out. This letter however...

Dom's eyes flicked up and down the screen as he read the message over. He managed to keep his cool while reading the cryptic letter. A threat, huh?

Well this was not new. However, the wording struck a cord in Dom. His mind urged him to show this to Jaron. Have him figure it out and feel the satisfaction bloom from deep within because he knew Jaron could and would solve it. But Dom wouldn't show him this message. He would talk to him about it though, subtly.

Normally, no matter the injuries, Jaron would be by his side. He should be now too. Injuries were part of the job and leave wasn't provided if not absolutely necessary. With Jaron... Jesus, Jaron. It suddenly hit him like a loaded truck. How unfair this would look in the eyes of others. Jaron was special, everyone knew, but it was unfair to coddle him this much. God. How weak had he looked feeding and bathing Jaron, even to Jaron himself? A deep stone carving of shame and defeat nailed itself into Dom's soul.

Still though, he would go through it all over again. For Jaron, he realized. Dom had already known this infatuation was unhealthy, but he'd always kept it under wraps. Never expecting it to show. Especially not without his awareness. Fuck.

"... for one, we should start with that guy you have locked up. The one taken when Hunter and Jaron saved me," he heard Paul say. Paul looked up at Dom as if expecting him to respond and Dom realized he hadn't been listening to a word he'd been speaking.

"What does he have to do with this?" Dom asked, trying to get himself back on track. When and why had Paul started talking about that guy?

Paul continued. "He works for Alfredo, isn't that why you have DaVinci?"

"That's DaVinci we have?!"
Confusion and shock attacked Dom's raw senses. Fuck. Too much surprises. When had Dom lost control? 

"Yeah. He was part of the whole scam. I could bet my life he worked for Alfredo?"

"Wait. You mean the Alfredo who's never seen? The one who kidnaps children and abuses them?" An image of young, bloody Jaron at the hands that cretin filled Dom's mind and he was suddenly short for breath. He clutched at the desks edge and watched his knuckles turn white.

Paul flinched as if Dom had hit him. "Yep, t-that would be the one." He answered in a shaky voice.

Dom tried to think logically. "But the police reports said otherwise. So did the multiple news sources we acquired."

"May I please take a look at them?" Paul asked.

Dom looked up at Paul. Big names involved and Dom had no clue what the hell they were after. This was some deep shit if what Paul said was true. He trusted him but he still needed to make sure. "And you're telling the truth here? We can trust you?" He asked hesitantly, not wanting to hurt the fragile kid, but not willing to put his people at risk for a conniving child. For good measure, he added, "Tell the truth or else. I hope you'll never have to see the other side of this kind of work, but more so, that you'll never have to be at the risky end of any weapons, preferably not ours. We need your full cooperation. Be open with me, with us. Trust is the only thing that'll keep you alive here."

Dom felt a little guilty at the sight of horror in the young boys' eyes but carried on. With a dejected sigh and miserable eyes, Paul suddenly took off his grey shirt and turned, showing him his back.


Dom was taken aback, so much so, he pushed his chair back and stood, though not knowing why. They resembled Jaron's scars so much and it caused another image of of young Jaron to sweep his mind of any composition. Who had done this to this kid?

"Who did this to you?" Dom spoke his mind.

With thin arms wrapped around his waist, Paul turned and looked up at Dom sadly. His eyes. God, his eyes. Once filled with eagerness, alert, even hesitance, were now completely blank. Dark empty pools that reminded Dom of the ocean at night. It shook Dom and he felt himself shudder.

"Alfredo." Paul's voice was frail.

Dom sucked in a breath and staggered forward a bit, his hand outstretched as if to touch the pale, scarred back. No.

That monster would pay. The fucked up monster. The one who tortured his Jaron and this innocent, sweet kid. Fuck him. He would pay one way or another. Dom would make sure of it.

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