{7}~Curiously & Cautiously~

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DOM rarely left the sanctuary of his cozy office to tour the house. Every so often, he'd be found in his indoor gym.

He would wake up in the morning to shower and have his breakfast come to his office. Afterwards, it was in his office all day. In the afternoons, if he had time, he would go into the gym and work out his stress.

This had become such a habit that actually having to leave his office made him feel abnormally uncomfortable. It was ridiculous. It was his own home and he had every right of comfort.

He needed to inform the crew of a new job discovery he'd come across that concerned the organization. It had been something he'd come across and something he'd need to travel for. Although he didn't venture out for jobs, even when out of the country, this had interested him enough to get him out of his chair.

It wasn't rare that he traveled for jobs, though. They would be often found all over the country. This time, he'd be traveling to New York on a hunch of his findings.

Informing them could wait, of course. Perhaps until tomorrow; but Dom wasn't one for stalling on such things. At least that's what he told himself as he nervously lingered by his door, too weirded out by such foreign emotions to find it in himself to move forward.

No. He wasn't nervous. Rethinking, he had an urge to laugh out loud at his own immature behavior. He was acting like a clingy teenage girl forced to part from her boyfriend due to separate classes.

The people down stairs were comfortable, he thought. The people he'd hired because Dom only worked with the best, of course. He did not intend to make friends. He was however glad that Jaron had found a group of people he could call friends. Dom knew he couldn't be enough for Jaron. Never him alone.

He shook off his thoughts and cautiously walked forward, slowly parting from the safety of his office. He approached the banister and placed both palms on the smooth wooden curve.

There were gleaming marble stairs on either side of him, clad in dark, almost black wooden banisters to hold onto. They had a group of cleaners come in every week, them being too busy to clean the house themselves.

Below him, black leather couches surrounded a large flatscreen tv. He recognized Jo, Jaron, Joel, and Paul sitting around eating pizza. He wouldn't go down there. He owned them but he didn't know how to make them feel that without disrespecting them. Cue the rent-free mansion lifestyle and free food.

Loud laughter echoed up from downstairs. Dom looked down, a twinge of discomfort found its way into him.

All occupants of the living room were turned towards a blushing Paul, smiling affectionately at the young boy. It seemed they'd already fallen for him.

Dom couldn't lie though. He too had been roped into the kids shy demeanor and incredible smarts. It had reminded him of Jaron's curious naivety when they'd met long ago. Dom couldn't help but be drawn to the the way the boy had fought all his life, escaping like the rest of everybody in this house. He fit in just right.

It didn't hurt that he was killer with computers as well. Dom had been thinking about making him his second hand in terms of online navigation a safe distance away from the actual danger. It would be a great weight off Dom's shoulders.

Another bout of laughter drew Dom's attention from his thoughts.

"It's like taking to a wall. One day, I might give into temptation and actually snap his abnormally thick neck!" Jo exclaimed.

"Hey, why do you gotta insult thick necks," Jaron pouted, his bottom lip jutting out. Dom fought a smile and turned his attention to the object of Jo's frustration.

Everyone knew Hunter had a thing for Jo's sister Melli, but no one knew wether it was serious or not. Hunter was a natural flirt. It was just who he was, and although he didn't spend much time with the crew, Dom knew them in and out. Just not by talking to them, as one normal person would do with another.

Dom's gaze bounced around the room, finally but inevitably landing on Jaron. As if sensing his stare, Jaron craned his neck back and looked right at Dom.

Startled, Dom battled against his inner voices and held Jaron's gaze. He thought he saw a smirk before Jaron looked away to make a comment to the others.

Soon after, Jaron got up and walked towards the stairs on Dom's right side.

Dom hadn't asked Jaron to join him but he didn't mind. He in fact felt relieved. Why? He didn't know. Sometimes, he didn't understand himself and Jaron would make decisions for him. He didn't get mad then, he felt thankful. They didn't talk about it, of course. It just happened. It was just as if Jaron knew what Dom needed by the look in his eyes.

Once Jaron got use to one thing, he seemed to think he could do anything with it. Not that Dom minded him thinking that.

Dom turned and walked back into his office. A moment later, he heard the door open and close softly. He don't turn around for he did not know what to say. He didn't favor feeling this vulnerable and indecisive. He hated it and hated Jaron a little in that moment for making him feel that way.

"Dom, uh... you wanted me for something?" Jaron inquired obliviously.

The little shit! He was gonna put this on Dom?! Now he had to think quick. Fuck. He cringed at his own ridiculous behavior. He was freaking out over such a minor thing, thinking about it shamed him.

Pushing all thoughts from his mind, he spun on his heel to face Jaron.

"Spar with me."

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