{10}~Plans & Pouts~

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DOM stretched out the kinks in his back. Sitting for hours after a three hour drive was not fun but he was used to it.

He looked over at the comfortable looking bed. Okay, the bed didn't look inviting at all. The bed sheets looked stained and decades old and the thicker cover was scratchy and ugly. The only thing inviting was the sole figure lying asleep on one side of the bed.

Jaron hadn't moved an inch since he'd gone to sleep about an hour ago. Dom knew this because he'd been giving into his temptations to look over at him every 30 seconds. Why? He didn't know. He chalked it up to stress and no sleep, deciding he would take his much needed rest now.

Mirroring Jaron's earlier movements, he disarmed and went to lay on the other end of the sheets, leaving about three feet of space between him and Jaron.

~ ~ ~

Beep, beep, beep, beep-

The incessant sound of beeping caused Dom to jolt upwards in the bed. He was dizzy for moments before the sound registered.

Beside him, Jaron already had his gun pulled, standing on guard beside the bed. His good little soldier.

Dom picked up the smooth, black phone and held it to his ear without checking the caller ID.

"D," he barked, not appreciating being woken up in such a manner and after such tire.

"Hey, um... we have a problem, D," a soft, small voice stuttered from the other side.

Sighing, Dom got himself off the bed and moved to the small table where he'd left his things yet unpacked. "What is it?"

"Um, there's a new case here and I really think you need to be here for it. Jo and Hunter can't be sent alone without your consent on the matter and the other divisions aren't aware of it yet. What should I do?" Paul asked.

"Can't it wait?" He asked, exasperated.

Shit. This was highly inconvenient and not anticipated at all. Dom couldn't operate from here while dealing with another entirely different issue.

"I, um... no. I don't think so."

"Alright, I'll get back to you," he said, dismissing Paul.

He did not feel like entertaining the thought of making the three three hour drive back after minimal sleep. Cases like this rarely occurred where two major events would overlap. Not being used to handling such this and letting it without preparation really annoyed Dom. As pissed as he was, he would need to leave.

Dom turned to Jaron. "I trust you can handle everything here on your own."

Dom had never done an out of town job without Jaron and vice versa. He always chose Jaron to go with him, even though the others were more than capable of accomplishing the task alongside him. He just worked better with Jaron.

As for Jaron, Dom couldn't help but worry. As trained as he was and as professional, this is where Jaron's knack for following would be tested. Dom wouldn't be here to direct him. They'd never faced such circumstances before. He could only hope that Jaron would be fine.

Jaron features pulled together into a frown. "What's going on?"

"Look, I have to return to the house. Something came up," Dom said, not letting his worry show. "I'll leave all the details of today's meet up with you."

"I can't do it by myself," Jaron's eyes widened in evidence of his statement.

"Yes you can. I'll call up Jo; she'll be here in a few hours. I'll have Paul fill her in and you two can finish the job." Dom reassured, already messaging Paul and Jo.

"Is it that urgent? I don't really know much what we're doing. You haven filled me in on the task yet," Jaron added. What the hell? Why was he being so dense? This wasn't like Jaron at all. Even knowing of his preference of following leadership, Jaron would usually take in stride what came his way.

"Yes I have. And either way, I said I'd leave you the details. Jo will already be filled in by the time she gets here. All you have to do is go to the meeting area and make sure the dealer and buyers are present before calling the police." Dom explained.

When he looked up at Jaron, he noticed the stubborn expression on his face. He was slightly pouting, his thick arms folded across his chest with the gun hanging Dom his fingers. The only way to describe him would be to call him a man-child.

Fighting a laugh, Dom turned back to his computer and contacted Paul. It seemed he'd been fighting quite a lot of emotions lately.

Paul had sent him evidence of the new issue in town in the form of newspapers and police reports. In another file, there was more information. Shady information which made you wonder where a kid his age had gotten it.

Once everything was assured, he closed up his computer and collected his files.

As he was preparing to leave, he noticed Jaron still standing with his arms crossed, following Dom's movements with his eyes. "What's wrong with you?" Dom asked.

Snapping out of his trance, Jaron face reddened and he looked down. "Nothing," he murmured, moving back to he bed and taking a seat to fiddle with his gun.


Once finished, Dom turned to Jaron with his phone in his hands. "Call me or the house if you need anything. Jo's already on her way and you should be fine. I'll see you in a few days."

With one last look at the still seated Jaron, Dom turned and walked out. It didn't seem like the other man was up to saying any greetings at the moment.

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