{3}~Men & Massages~

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JO watched in amusement as Jaron struggled into the large house, dragging in a sobbing man by the hair.

She's liked to think of their group as professionals when it came to this kind of thing, but sometimes, some just tended to lose their skill.

As a pissed off Jaron continued to pull further into the general area they considered the living room, everyone on the team stopped what they were doing to watch.

Even the boy Hunter has not so long ago carried in looked somewhat amused, if not confused. The boys name was Paul and he'd gone through too much for someone his age. But Jo wasn't surprised at all. It was just these kinds of things she and her sister Melli had signed up for when they joined D.

"Can someone fucking kill him, please?! I don't want D on my ass for doing it," Jaron grumbled, coming to a stop in the center of the room.

The man continued to whimper on the ground and it was then that Jo realized his knee was busted. Five pairs of eyes were trained on Jaron's hulking figure, even more so, seeing as he was pissed off. Jo, Melli, Paul, Hunter, and Joel watched with quiet amusement as Hunter blew his top.

"Now, the fuck!" He barked.

Melli sprung into action and Hunter moved to help. Melli took care of the bodies after escapades of such kinds when either Jaron, Hunter or Jo came back from them. Hunter muscled the now passed out criminal onto his back and walked behind Melli.

After breathing deeply, Jaron headed for the stairs. He was likely going to report what he'd seen or heard to D, as they were obligated to do after every job.

Them five were the elite team and were required to work around the boss 24/7. The organization had different branches that took care of different things but this was the main base. A large house in a secluded neighborhood. It wasn't too suspicious. After all, hide in plain sight, right?

On the outside it looked like a house, or rather a mansion. On the inside though, there were cameras, built in motion sensors, laser beams, machine guns in walls and scanners at doors. No one could get in without being detected and no one could leave. Not that they needed to leave anyways. As part of the elite team, they also garnered the right to live in the mansion along with D.

That was very convenient, considering the fact that most of them here came from the streets and would have nowhere to go otherwise.

Everyone respected and thanked D for all he did. No one dared to against him because those who did payed with something worse than death. People knew this and they would cower in his presence and shiver at the sound of his name.

Jo wasn't scared of anyone or anything. She didn't give trust or respect easily like her naive sister, but she had a very high level of respect for this man and that said a lot.

Speaking of her sister, Jo noticed her bent over the sink while Hunter ogled her from behind.

Making a disgusted sound in the back of her throat, she marched over to Hunter and smacked him upside the head.

"Ow, what the he-," Hunter turned and the words died in his throat as he saw who was in front of him.

She and Hunter had a weird kind of relationship. Jo knew she intimidated him, standing almost equal to his 6'4 and sporting tattoos up and down her arms. But he respected her and as much as she disliked his loud, flirty side, she respected his skill when the time came.

But the time wasn't now and she was throughly annoyed. She always tells her sister to kick him to the curb but her sister was too nice and he was just relentless.

"How many times am I gonna smack you before your brain rearranges itself back into place?"

Hunter pouted. "That's mean. I'm not dumb," he mumbled while rubbing the back of his head.

"No, you're just brain dead." Jo rolled her eyes and walked away before he could retaliate and make her ears bleed.


JARON sat at the couch Dom had so comfortably occupied a few hours ago, retelling the series of events that had occurred.

He'd only briefly reported on what had happened, not taking to heart the bullshit the man had spewed and choosing not to waste Dom's time on it.

Once finished, he leaned back on the couch, hearing the sound of the leather squeaking against his clothes.

Dom leaned back in his chair as well and cracked his neck. He groaned and leaned his head back, resting it on the back of the chair.

On these rare moments where Dom seemed relaxed in his presence, Jaron would lean back to enjoy the show.

It was truly amusing but unnerving at the same time, like watching a Jaguar take a lazy nap in the afternoon breeze, but knowing it could still outrun you and claw you to death before you had time to blink.

Dom cracked his eyes open and looked at Jaron through dark slits.

"Come here and give me a massage instead of staring at me," he lazily ordered.

Jaron smirked at this side of Dom. It was as relaxed as it could get with Dom.

He got up and moved to stand behind the chair, shuffling tightly into the space between the wall and the chair.

Dom leaned up off the chair and shrugged of his slick black coat to reveal a fitting white shirt that hugged his muscled form.

Massages weren't rare occurrences between him and Dom. Since Dom spent his time in his office if he wasn't in his private gym next door, his body would start to ache from sitting too long in one place, bent over papers and a laptop.

Jaron felt for him. They had it easier, fighting brutes and criminals all day. Jaron couldn't imaging sitting at a desk doing work all day.

Of course Dom could fight, better than any of them even. With guns knives, his hands. But he trusted no other person to handle the matters that fell into his hands. Jaron could understand. One wrong judge of character and the organization could fall. It was a hard choice but even so, Jaron didn't like seeing Dom looking anything but menacing. It took away from Jaron's heart.

"What are you waiting for?"

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