{14}~Lucid & Limp~

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JARON felt the bed dip a little, the sheets ruffling under the body he could sense moving towards him. He tried to open his eyes but he couldn't. Something held him back.

He pressed his lids together, attempting to clear his mind of the heavy cloud of fog. He couldn't think clearly. It seemed he was attempting to run while wading through murky water.

Breathing deeply, he tried again, only to jolt when he felt a hand rest on his navel. He hadn't realized he was uncovered and now noticed that he was wearing nothing but simple briefs. A blanket had been thrown over him but it was now rumpled over his thighs.

The hand skittered over his torso and he followed the sensation. It felt faint and unreal. He chalked it up to the effects of the heavy dosage of drugs they'd fed him. He felt the hand again and it drew a gasp from him as calloused fingertips ran over his left nipple.

Shivering, Jaron subconsciously arched into the touch, disappointed when it moved away. He clutched the sheets. He felt like he was spinning, so confusing. He felt like a child again and he didn't know why. Nothing made sense and he was getting frustrated at his slowing brain.

The hand rested back on his skin, this time rubbing in circles on the inside of his lower thigh. An almost foreign sensation ran down his body, his head feeling clearer as if gave way to a different type of confusion.

A short gasp left him and he heard the hitch in his own voice. It was like an out of body experience. The sensations ran across his body and the feeling of his tightening nipples was stark obvious against his current mental state.

This foreign sensation he hadn't felt in close to over a decade now. Not knowing what to make of it, he let himself relax and tried to open his eyes.

The hand moved down to his knee and moved back up, resting dangerously close to his briefs for restless seconds.

Jaron felt himself push his lower regions upwards, seeking more contact. Granting him his silent wishes, a second hand rested softly against his cheek. He turned his head against it and breathed it in. He imagined it smelled of spicy cologne and smooth tuxedo. Exquisite.

Breathing out through his mouth, he bent his neck to kiss the slowly escaping hand but found himself unable to move his lips. As his lips made contact with the hand, he let them rest there, slightly open and still, absorbing the feel of the skin under them.

Who knew this would feel so good. Above all else, in this moment, he realized how alone he was and how he longed for a warm body to wrap around him. It was something he'd never thought of and it freaked him out. Now though, relishing in the simple contact felt fucking amazing and he could help but try to chase the hand with his tongue.

Unsuccessful, Jaron laid his head back on the soft, airy pillow and clenched his eyelids tighter together. His fingers tightened on the sheets beneath him in anticipation. Both hands had moved off his body, nowhere to be felt in his now surprisingly lucid state of mind. As unreal as the touch had felt, he couldn't help but follow the touch into reality.

The hands came back down roughy, momentarily surprising Jaron as they roughly grasped both wrists and pinned them to them over his head. They pushed the grasped hands down once as if to say, keep them there.

Nodding, Jaron managed to rest his hands comfortably above him but feeling thoroughly exposed. He could only imaging what he looked like. Ugly scared torso and legs laid out against white bedsheets, black briefs stark against slightly tan skin and hardening dick. Jesus.

Whatever happened to trauma? It seemed this person, whoever they were, were exceptional. Come to think of it, he hadn't once thought who this person could've been and he still couldn't be bothered.

The hands trailed down his body, stopping to massage and torture parts of him. Sensitive parts. Or at least that's what it felt like. The sensations, although faint, managed to cause him respiratory issues and an unwelcome boner.

After all these years of keeping untouched, it was weirdly pleasant to find hands on him but he could only do so much to quell the memories. Thankfully, those skillful hands seemed to have more than one talent when it came to him.

The hands rubbed over either nipple, pulling and twisting, causing all kinds of delicious feelings to attack his groin. Moving lower, the hands snuck into his pants and immediately got to squeezing and rubbing his cock and balls. The sensitive head of his cut cock was pulsing and his dick lurched at the sudden infusion of pleasure on all his senses.

Barely thinking, only wanting to feel, he arched up and off the bed, trying impossibly move closer to the hands. He almost screamed when the torturing hands, now sticky with precome, pulled out of the briefs.

Completely disappearing for a several seconds, they allowed Jaron time to gather himself. Time he didn't really want because those hands were torturing him in the best ways and he didn't want to lose that after only minutes of achievement.

His dick was alive and pulsing, subtly pushing against his briefs in short bursts. The pleasure had abated but Jaron couldn't forget the feeling of those big, rough hands. He could only wish for them now.

Pulling lightly over his covered length, a new kind of feeling bloomed from the sensitive flesh of his head. A finger lightly dragged over the outline of his cock, almost creating a feeling like scratching. It burned deliciously and the sensation spread down to his drawn up balls.

Following up, the finger moved up and down his dick, continuously pressing down on his slit.

Suddenly stopping, the other hand joined at the head of his cock, viciously rubbing and milking as if trying to squeeze the life out of Jaron's dick.

He arched up, shooting up off the bed and further rumpling the sheets in his wake. The sensations were too much and he fought to escape. The pleasure earlier had already put him on edge, and now,  he felt like he was about to burst. The hands continued their ministrations but Jaron didn't feel any closer to release, constantly tortured on the edge between pleasurable deems and harsh reality.  

And soon enough, he found out why.

Abruptly, the hands stopped moving and lay off him. His dick pushed up on its own accord, stretching the material with it. So much precome had leaked and it pooled in his tight briefs, wetting them. He couldn't move and he was frustrated as hell. He needed.

His cock strained but he couldn't cum and just as he felt the hand about to reach for his dick again, it vanished into thin air. He couldn't explain how he knew with his eyes closed. He'd felt it. In him, something had changed as if realizations were hitting.

Freaked out, he shot up in the bed, his eyes finally opening. Attempting to get up, Jaron's legs tangled in the sheets and he fell over on the floor with a thump.

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