{20}~Trembles & Tears~

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JARON was still dumbstruck by the seemingly subdued doctors' behavior and words. He hadn't expected that from the quietly behaved man, but even more, he hadn't expected himself to be in love with Dom.

Of course he had thought about it before, Dom was quite attractive. But that didn't mean all his thoughts were actually taken seriously, especially by him himself. The doctors words had been a sort of confirmation.

A knock came at the door and Jaron turned his wide eyes to- Jesus Fucking Christ! Well not Jesus, it was just Dom, but holy shit!

Dom walked in toweling his light hair, dressed in a plain, fitting black shirt and grey sweat pants. He was bare footed, the sculpted curves and edges of Dom's feet suddenly appealing to his eyes. Jaron didn't think he had any infatuation with feet but he had to admit, Dom had hot feet.

When Dom didn't say anything, Jaron blurted the first thing that came to mind.

"Your wearing sweatpants."

Dom looked at Jaron, then down at his pants, then back at Jaron again. "Uh-huh," he hummed his response. "I can see that. Everything okay?"

"Mmhmm," Jaron hummed back, the randomness of his statement registering.

"What did the doc do to you?" Dom looked as if he were observing him.

He looked at Dom confusedly. "He did his usual check up. Said I was good to go." What else would he do?

Dom raised a perfectly sculpted brow and draped his towel over the back of the couch. "Why was he here for so long then? I'm no doctor but im pretty sure a check up doesn't usually last more than 10 minutes or so..." his deep voice rumbled dangerously as he went to expose Jaron's frauds.

"Oh, um..." Jaron blushed a little but couldn't find it in himself to lie to Dom. "I asked him to stay and talk some things out with me."

Dom nodded slowly in understanding despite looking quite skeptical still. He smiled a small smile and cleared his throat. "Well I um... I just came to tell you about our recent progress."

"Oh yeah? What's been going on?" Jaron had been out of the loop for lots of days and he was eager to be back, finally.

"After you uh ... told me about Alfredo, Paul found some connection and I went and ...interviewed... the guy you brought in. I was able to glean some information about him and I've decided to put the house on lock down. We'll speak in more detail about this once we've got it figured out. You should rest up till then." Dom turned to walk out, dismissing Jaron without a word.

"Oh, and ... the crew is collected downstairs since we've closed down for a while. They're expecting you since you've gotten better." Dom tuned and walked out, this time without stopping.
His dismissal hurt but not only to Jaron.

Jaron felt kind of bad. Dom was always working. He'd never given it much thought as it was just the type of man Dom was but other than the time at the club, he'd never seen Dom let loose. Even then, it had been a quick fuck and over.

Pushing the issues from his mind, Jaron got up and walked to the bathroom to freshen up. It'd be good for him to walk more then to and from the bathroom for a change.

After a while, he walked out of his room. Dom's room was shut. Jaron turned the other way and gingerly walked downstairs, not yet fully capable of coordination.

The closer he got to the stairs, the louder the sound of conversation and the farther away from Dom.

Shaking his head at himself, he walked down the stairs. The smell of pizza and beer hit him so suddenly and he felt the strong urge to throw up. Jesus. He'd spent his days lightly feeding and enjoying Dom's limited company that even sharing some food and drinks with his friends felt foreign.

He didn't want to go down there. He really didn't but he would.

Jaron descended the final steps and walked into the spacious room. The tv was on low and the lights were dimmed. On the curved couches surrounding the coffee table, six people were spread out comfortably. Hunter sat on the floor, back to the couch. Above him sat Melli with her legs pulled beneath her. Beside her, Jo sat, her arms around Zena who sat next to her. Zena's brother Joel sat next to her and at his feet was Paul. They all sat pretty lazily, watching the tv and commentating until they saw him coming.

"Hey guys." Jaron said awkwardly.

After a beat of silence, a chorus of greetings and good-to-see-you's rang out to him. Smiling more easily, he took a seat on the single couch to the right.

"How've you been? You look a bit thin, hun." This came from Zena and it earned another round of loud commentary.

"I-uh, I've been good. Just got to healing a bit late." He met Hunter knowing gaze and he was thankful when Hunter started up a conversation drawing their attention elsewhere.

What was wrong with him? He'd need to shut his emotions off but how did he do that now that he'd had a taste of actual freedom from them? Dom.

Everything had been good and now he was acting all weird. It had been good when he could just talk to Dom. Have Dom feed him. Dom listen to him. Dom massage him. Dom watching over him when he slept. God how he wanted that again. He'd hurt himself just to have that happen all over again.

His heart swelled with air and it felt like it was gonna explode. Explode it did, causing prickly little things to spread across his chest, stabbing him from the inside out. Hotness came to his eyes and he blinked it away. He struggled to take in a breath and found himself gasping quietly, his head bowed.

"Y'all right man?" A hard hand slapped his back and jolted him back into awareness.

Jaron took the chance to escape and moved to stand. "Yeah, Yeah. I'll be fine. Guess I want expecting to be so tired so soon."

Hunter's curious face softened and he lay back into the couch. "Go on and get some rest. We're just glad to see you back on your feet."

Jaron smiled slightly as a chorus of cheers followed him on his slow path back to his room. He was truly glad to have such people on his side when he'd had nothing but right now, his mind wasn't in it. It wanted to be somewhere else and if the way he'd freaked was any indication, so did his heart.

He quickly walked up the stairs -as quick as he could anyways- and made his way to his room door. He stood outside it for a long time, though not knowing why. Something felt weird and it made Jaron's heart stutter. What a freak he was. He could barely open the room to his own door and for what reason?

Taking in a deep breath, he turned the knob and pushed open the door. His heart did that swelling thing again and he made sure to keep his head down. He couldn't deal with the disappointment if he wasn't there.

He would be there.

Another deep breath gave him the courage to look up.

The breath got stuck in his throat. He stood frozen before his knees bucked. Before he could hit the ground, strong arms pushed under his arms and around his waist. They held him upright an steady.

Jaron let out a relieved sob and nuzzled his head into the warm cocoon of where the neck met the shoulder. He just felt so good and so warm. His heart threatened to explode again but this time, it just wasn't as intense. He didn't feel like he would die from it.

Jaron pulled up his hands to grasp Dom's shirt and clenched his fingers tightly into the material. He whimpered weakly as Dom's arms tightened around him. He felt hot tears flow from his eyes and soak into Dom's shirt but he knew Dom wouldn't mind.

Gasping in air, he nuzzled into Dom's neck more. Without sound, he mouthed along Dom's neck and felt his Dom's heart thump steadily and in confirmation.

"I love you."

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