{5}~Deamons & Drugs~

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JARON sat there, dumbfounded. Dom had truly left him. And to do... that!

In all his years working for Dom, even just knowing each other as youngsters, he'd never known him to have sexual contact with other human beings.

Of course he was overreacting though. Dom was a grown man and didn't have to tell him every time he had sex. Not everyone was like Jaron, so he shouldn't judge. It was just that Dom didn't seem the type, but that was, again, probably because Jaron himself wasn't the type either.

To be honest, Jaron didn't care much for sex. He had issues getting it up and didn't feel the need to seek sexual contact. He would feel nauseous at the sight of another dick, even though he knew himself to be gay. It wasn't the act of sex that disgruntled him, it was the memories it brought back.

He was past that now but something had changed in him. Of course he got hard, but only during violence. He knew it was fucked up but there was something about the rush of adrenaline after firing a weapon or chasing down a criminal. Something very pleasing. On more than one occasion, he'd caught himself aroused and taken care of it by himself. It didn't bother him anymore. He chalked it up to a natural response to the rush of adrenaline. After all, boxers got hard after a match too.

And so, being in the presence of so many sexually triggered people and overlooking that act of playing hard to get wasn't very pleasing.

He took to Dom's suggestion and decided to order a strong drink. He called up the bartender.

"Hey handsome, what can I do for you," the man leered, leaning his chin on his palm.

The man wasn't entirely bad to look at. He had a nice, light hair that complemented his pale skin and bright eyes that drew you in. But Jaron wasn't about that tonight. Or ever, for that matter. But he just wanted to escape. Why had he asked to come along?

"I need something strong," he said, not bothering with niceties.

"You sure? I can help you forget about whatever's on you mind," he continued.

"There is nothing on my mind."

"Uh-huh, I beg to differ. That hunk that just walked away with the lady must be bothering you, huh. I know how it is; hotties walk in here regularly but they're all straight, ya know. Not fun pinning for the straight guy." Ugh. Jaron felt like throwing a tantrum. He was not in his element. Why was everyone so fucking relentless? This guy was starting to grate on Jaron nerves.

The guy nodded thoughtfully as if agreeing with what he had said to Jaron.

Jaron on the other hand, did not at all understand or appreciate what the man could've been indicating. Was he saying Jaron liked Dom? Jaron laughed a little to himself. What would he say that? Sure Dom was attractive and all, Jaron wasn't blind after all. But as he'd mentioned, attraction wasn't something he felt.

Jaron though of Dom and how he'd felt when he left with the Latina. It had been surprising and uncomfortable for him, he hadn't liked the way she touched Dom, but only because he knew Dom and about his aversion to intimate touch. Dom wouldn't let anyone touch him, save for their massages. Those were impersonal touches though, as those of doctor and patient.

Confusion swirled through him and before he could ask the bartender what he meant, he disappeared to the back.


PETER stretched his body up, leaning his hand on the counter below to stabilize himself as he reached into the drawers above. He searched around for the bottle that Alfredo had given him in expectance of his client outside the doors.

The beautiful man outside had asked him to get him a strong drink. The man that looked suspiciously like the boy on the picture. He couldn't be sure though, as the picture was of young boy and the man outside most definitely was not underage. He would need to use the pills to intoxicate him and get him loose enough to check the ID Peter hoped was on the guy.

His first approach at getting close and flirting had fallen flat. He would be lying to say he wasn't embarrassed but he decided he would excuse the handsome man ma reject all behavior for he seemed dazed at his new discovery of attraction towards the fine man of a friend who'd left him for the clingy woman.

Poor man. He was probably confused. Peter smirked at the coming turn of events. While he was merely a hired spy for Alfredo, he had overheard of the unsuspecting mans doom. Shame he would never get to explore his newfound confusion.

It wasn't like Peter enjoyed working the bar at a straight club. But his past of shady jobs had brought him here and shadiness payed well.

He grabbed the drink he'd put together and dropped in a small white pill. Alfredo has said one was enough to last for about 30 minutes before wearing off. Coupled with the drink, it would buy him enough time before the friend came back.

Resuming his flirty behavior, he walked out the door. He slunk his way over to the bar and plopped the drink in front of him. He placed his chin back onto his palm and smirked, watching as the guy gulped back half the glass without even glancing at Peter.

After sitting the glass down, he turned his body sideways and leaned back against the wall. Tilting his head back, he slumped and his eyelids fluttered.

Well that was quick.

Peter made sure his shift was taken care of before making his way to the other side of the bar.

You could assume by looking at the guy that he was either bored out of his life or high.

This time, Peter didn't even wait for acknowledgment. He walked up to the guy and pressed up against him. He knew he was probably drawing attention groping a dude in a designated straight club, but oh well.

Besides, he was enjoying the feeling of the hard body against his so it was a win win situation if he accomplished his task.

Reminding himself of his task, he allowed his hands to wander so the back of the guys pants. He pulled him forward to reach the back pockets where he easily found the card. It was an ID that would allow him to enter he club, confirming name, age... not that he needed it with those looks and muscles.

He pulled out the card to take a look. Name: Jaron- no last name. Age: 23 and more information with a small picture proving that it was in fact him.

Realization hit that he was currently holding onto a dangerous weapon that could kill him without breaking a sweat if he was at his full capacity. With a shudder, Peter relinquished his hold on Jaron and moved back.

Jaron. The name fit him well. With his raggedly handsome looks and fit body, you would think he was just another pretty face. Nice to know otherwise.

Alfredo would be happy with this.

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