{4}~Flirts & Feelings~

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DOM's head fell forward as long, skilled fingers rubbed out the kinks in his neck and back.

He held back a groan at how good Jaron's hands felt. Dom knew Jaron wouldn't judge, in fact would be glad to see Dom seemingly relaxed and happy. Dom knew that. Jaron couldn't hide much from him. His expressions and body language rendered him vulnerable to Dom.

But Dom wasn't able to put himself out in the open like that. He envied Jaron for that.

Jaron's hands began to slip lower continuing to undo Dom, but oblivious to the things they were causing in Dom. As he began to feel uncomfortable at the feelings that began to surface, Dom leaned forward and shrugged Jaron's hands off.

Jaron moved back and walked to the couch. Dom always called it to a stop when it got too much for him but Jaron just thought he was relaxed enough. That too but it wasn't the reason usually. Dom could never get tired of feeling Jaron's hands on him. He always acted so nonchalant about such things but it meant more than anyone could know, especially Jaron. He had to protect him; he owed it to him, but even otherwise, he would give his life for him.

Dom sighed and pushed his chair back. He stood and stretched until he heard the satisfying crack.

He had just gotten a massage but he was wound up. Wound up in a different way.

He left his coat on the back of chair and walked towards the coffee table in front of the couch where he'd left his keys and card to his room.

Jaron looked up at him with big green eyes frames by long dark lashes, "Where are you going?"

Instead of answering the question immediately, Dom's gaze lingered on Jaron's sculpted face. He had thick brown hair styled fashionably on his head. His eyebrows were perfectly formed and his eyelashes thick and long. His nose was straight and structured, leading to wide pink lips that were open in inquiry. His body was as out of this world as his face though. He wore a black shirt that brought out the definition of his torso.

Dom looked away. "To the club."

"Should I come with you?" Jaron got up, ready to follow.

Dom flicked his eyes over to Jaron. How daring of him. He'd never asked before. Not that Dom minded him tagging along. "Since when are you into women?"

"Uh... I'm not," Jaron flushed, flustered and Dom fought not to smile.

"You'll accompany me to Barleys and wait at the bar while I finish my business," He said, deciding to put him out of his misery.

Dom was going to treat him as more of bodyguard tonight than a friend because he couldn't let him get too close.

Since the day they met years back, Dom had always had a knack for control. Even though he wasn't really up to it at the time, physically or mentally, Jaron had helped him back on his feet and they'd fallen into their roles as friends. When distance from Dom's work and image started pushing them apart as friends, they took it in stride and adopted a new sort of friendship where there were new rules and limits, Dom being the one in control most of the time.

There were things that they didn't talk about, personal things they had left behind and that was for the best, thought Dom. 

He gathered his necessary belongings and exited out the door with Jaron following close behind.

Jaron drove them to the club and parked in the lot. Barleys was a high class place. They had tight security and greatly furnished insides. The drinks they brought in were the best you could get here. For these reasons and more, Dom was quite acquainted with the place.

As they walked into the bar, he nodded to the burly, bald headed bouncer and then the bartender mixing up drinks for clients.

Dom led the way towards the bar and took a stool near the edge. Jaron followed and seated himself on the last stool, leaning his back against the wall.

Dom flicked his eyes up to Jaron's face to be met with something like ...discomfort? Jaron looked uneasy. He eyes kept darting around the room.

Dom kicked at Jaron's leg with the toe of his shoe, asking a silent question with his eyes.

Jaron put up a thumbs up but his eyes strayed yet again to look over Dom's shoulder.

Dom turned as well, feeling a hand land on his shoulders. He tensed. He didn't like to be touched. Let him rephrase: he didn't like to be touched by anyone other than Jaron.

He shrugged off the hand and turned to be met by a blonde headed female in a skin tight red dress. The dress was strapless revealing bony shoulders and sported a v-line down to her stomach, belted together by some cris-cross pattern.

She had a nice body, plump breasts and trim waist. Her face though, even in the dim lighting, was cakey with over-applied makeup. He wasn't here for her face though, so that wasn't in his worries.

"Hola papi." She drawled.

He looked at her, flicking his eyes up and down her body. She would do.

"Ères delicioso," She drew her hand back up his arms and squeezed his biceps through his shirt. "Mmm."

As much as he was annoyed, he knew what she wanted and she knew what he needed.

He got up and turned to Jaron. Leaning in to be heard over the crowd, he told him, "Buy yourself a drink. I'll be back in a few."

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