{11}~Whines & White~

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TRUE to Dom's word, Jo arrived only a few hours after Dom had left.

Dressed in a black tank top, black cargo pants, and combat boots, she looked badass as always. The tattoos peeking out of her top curled across her back and down her arms, enhancing the menace in her eyes. In turn, her short, dark hair and eerily light eyes complemented her edgy look.

Jaron always enjoyed having her with him. One, because the pimps always squeaked when they saw her. It was hilarious. Two, because she was good at being a leader, taking charge. Something Jaron had admired from the start.

At this moment though, he wasn't feeling up to welcoming her with open arms. Since she'd arrived, Jaron had been acting uncharacteristically quiet and withdrawn. He felt bad that he was being unnecessarily moody around Jo but he couldn't help it. He didn't know why, but since he and Dom had woken up in the middle of the day to the phone call that took Dom back to the house, he hadn't felt up to much of anything.

Jo had tried to pull him into a conversation and was still trying. It was getting seriously annoying. He wasn't scared enough of Jo not to tell her to fuck off. He just respected her and that would be the only thing saving her from his building wrath.

"What's wrong with you?" Jo asked for what had to be the fifth time that evening.

"Nothing, I told you. Get off my back," Jaron snapped. Goddamit with these people and their relentless traits.

Jo backed up to the bed with her hand raised in a defensive stance. "Hey, just trying to understand why you're acting like someone knifed your puppy."

Jaron sighed. He felt bad enough not knowing why the fuck he was being like this. He didn't need Jo worrying over him on top of that. He didn't like feeling like a burden. "Look, sorry I'm being like this. Honestly, I have no idea what's wrong with me but please leave me be."

"Are you pissy cause I was called to replace D?" She asked nonetheless, her eyebrows raised.

"What? Why would I care about that?" He asked confused.

She twisted her lips and shrugged slowly. "I don't know..." Jaron thought that was the end of her drilling but shortly after, she asked: "Then did you and D have a fall out or something?"

What's with all the weird questions? "No. Look, I'm fine. Just not feeling it today."

"Hm, well you better be feeling it later because I'm not about to give my life for whatever emotional crisis you're going through," Jo said, both eyebrows raised. It was her way of telling him to get the fuck over it already. The problem was, what the hell was IT anyways?

Sighing, Jaron suggested they get ready and walked towards his duffel.

Once packed and checked out of the motel, he and Jo took off towards the meeting area.

Arriving at the area, Jaron wasn't much surprised to see that it was all but a shady hideout in the middle of nowhere. They had already been close to the middle of nowhere while staying at the motel but this place took it to new heights.

The area was deserted so he and Jo took cover behind a broken down building that faced the street. They didn't know exactly where the dealer would be meeting his or her clients, but it being nighttime, the cover provided by the darkness would buy them enough time to escape if things went wrong.

After about and hour or so of waiting, a red truck pulled up on the sidewalk. Jaron and Jo burrowed deeper into the rubble as they continued to watch a man make his way out. From what could be seen at this distance and darkness, the man wore clothes that looked to be having a terrible year and a face even worse. The mans beard was an outgrown grayish brown mop to match his ratty hair. He seemed too out of it as he staggered to the passenger side of his car to pull out what suspiciously looked like a bag of drugs.

Jaron and Jo waited for the anticipated smaller black car to arrive before moving to dial the police.

From the newly arrived car, two men stepped out, both short. One was smaller and more slender whereas the other was large and round. They made quite the comical pair as they swaggered up to the dealer.

This was what they'd been waiting for, but something was off and it delayed Jaron from calling the police as he waited to further inspect. The men were merely talking as if they were at a high-school reunion party. The scraggly man kept a hold on his bag of drugs and the two men stood with their hands stuffed in their pockets.

As he looked on, he felt Jo slap his arm as if to say, get on with it, dimwit. Shrugging her off, he pulled his phone out.

Just as he was about to dial the number, he heard more than felt the crack of a hard item to the base of his head. He stood paralyzed for a few seconds before he crumpled to the ground in a heap. Pain overwhelmed his whole body, spreading from the base of his head down his spinal chord. His body froze with the impact and his limbs refused to cooperate.

He couldn't hear anything but the sharp buzzing of something deep in his ear. He could however see everything including the two men made it into his vision as they stood over him, big and bulky. God, what had he gotten himself into?

One man moved to his head and circled his arms under Jaron's armpits. He pulled him up with a grunt and the other man took hold of his legs.

The intense pain radiating from his head threatened to knock him out. He could barely twitch his fingers as he simultaneously attempted to overcome the white hot pain.

His fingers slowly and painfully inched towards his back pocket where he'd stuffed a Swiss knife. Just as his finger brushed the smooth handle of the weapon, the jolting pain of being thrown onto a hard surface engulfed him. Everything went white and he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore.

With one last thought of Dom's dark eyes softening in his presence, Jaron lost his grasp on reality.

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