{9}~Yapps & Yawns~

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JARON pulled out his proper shirt and pants to change into for the day. He threw his duffle on the king sized bed and turned to Dom.

"Did we really have to stay at this crappy motel?" Jaron whined, hating how childish he sounded.

They'd stayed in worse before while out on their escapades. Even more so, Jaron and Dom had both survived worse and Jaron's complaints fell to an uncaring ear.

"Yes. You know we have to lie low. How many times have we done this?" Dom asked incredulously.

He was right.

Jaron pouted. Honest to god pouted. Hell, what is going on with me, he thought. He'd been unable to stop acting weird since the ordeal with Dom in his gym. At the time, it hadn't really registered what had happened or the personal things he'd revealed about himself. The insecurities hadn't seems to matter much at the time and Jaron had just babbled on when Dom probably didn't even want to know. It was after giving himself time to go over the events that it hit and Jaron couldn't get over himself since.

Around Dom, he'd been acting weird for the past few days. He only hoped Dom didn't notice.

"So, why are we in the outskirts of Boston at four in the morning?" Jaron inquired.

"The last few days, suspicious activity has been detected in the area but it's evident the police aren't going to get involved." Dom started.

"Or they don't know," Jaron suggested.

Dom scoffed distastefully. "No, they know. A few days earlier, the local police were snooping around a murder scene. It was a so-called drug buy gone wrong. The reports weren't filed in but word on the street says they were there. My guess is, they probably were covering up because they were the buyers."

Jaron's brows shot up. Those were some heavy accusations. "Who died?"

Dom looked down at his open laptop sitting in the middle of scattered files all over the small table. "A witness," he answered simply.

As iffy as this sounded, Jaron would always trust in Dom. He had no reason not to.

"Alright, so are we here to catch the distributor or out the police?"

"It would so us no good to catch the person. We are going to set up the person, as well as the buyers in a way that they can be discovered by their buddies at the station." Dom answered. Then added, "We're just here to help things fall into place."

Filtering the plan through his head, he nodded. "How long should this take?"

Dom looked from his papers to the lit screen, typing away on the keyboard. "Shouldn't take more than a day. We'll be back at the house in a few days at most."

"Okay, sounds solid. Where do we start?" Jaron asked, moving back to his duffel to retrieve his gun and knives. You never know when you might need them.

"Paul has been helping me set up the time and place. He's found sources revealing another meet between the police this evening. Kid is fucking smart, don't even know how he does it."

Jaron smiled at the conviction and awe in Dom's voice. In the few days Paul had joined the house of dangerous rejects, he'd been welcomed with open arms. They had all fallen for his shy sweetness. Who wouldn't have? The kid was adorable.

Jaron was also very glad that Dom had help now. A hand he could trust to help him through whatever went on behind the screen. Paul would be a great addition to the team in the long term, never mind his already amazing accomplishments in the short term.

Dom himself had been looking quite worn out recently. His blond hair was mussed quite thoroughly from a hand too much running through it. His once cold, brutal eyes full of mischief were now dull and tired.

He hadn't looked this way yesterday though, and Jaron understood that Dom was keeping up appearance. Jaron couldn't understand why Dom couldn't let the crew see him because Jaron knew for a fact that they wouldn't care if he was tired once in a while. He was human after all. But then again, Jaron never did understand the relationship Dom harbored with his employees and he didn't judge. At least Dom didn't feel the need to hide his worries around him.

Remembering the question he had in mind, he asked, "What do we do now?"

"Since you've been complaining about the time, you can go take a nap," Dom dismissed carelessly.

Jaron's mouth popped open. He couldn't fucking believe it. He was being dismissed like a little kid in need of an afternoon nap. To be fair, he had been pretty whiny but still!

Pouting, Jaron said, "I don't need a nap."

"Aww, did I hurt your feelings? I'm not calling you childish, I promise. Just go sleep. We've had a long drive and you'll need the rest."

Feeling thoroughly scolded, Jaron fought another pout. What the hell? Was Dom being... playful? Well fuck. These turn of events just continued to get odder and odder.

"What about you?" Jaron asked, not wanting Dom to sit in the uncomfortable wooden chair till dawn, staring at a computer screen.

"I'll be there in a bit, just need to get things wrapped up first." Dom answered without looking up from whatever he was doing.

Jaron nodded again, even though Dom couldn't see him and moved away towards the bed. It was only a few feet away anyways. They had rented one room with a king sized bed big enough for the two of them. Surprisingly enough, all the other rooms had been taken in the small motel and they had limited choices. It didn't matter anyways. Jaron just feared it might cause more tension.

Thinking about it now, he was thankful Dom had suggested he go to sleep now because he didn't want to be awake for the inevitable tension.

Walking to the side of the bed opposite of where Dom sat, he disarmed and lay down on top of the covers. He slid his hand under the pillow where he'd placed his  hand gun, searching for the feeling of cold, hard metal to lull him to sleep.

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