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Takumi almost broke down in tears and that was a very rare sight. The kinshi had finally landed, Takumi jumped off and began looking for you. Seeing your arm hanging out of a bush he darted over. Quickly pulling your body from the bush, he noticed your labored breathing. He carried you bridal and climbed back on the Kinshi. Taking off back into the air, he brushed the hair out of your face. Salty liquid began to flow from his eyes, holding your body close. He was afraid. Afriad to lose you, his life.

"Please be okay Y/n. You are my everything, i love you. So much." After what felt like eternity you guys finally arrived.

"Can we get some help please?!" he cried out getting off. Two guards, and a medic rushed down the steps.

"Lady Y/n!" a guard gasped. Takumi was helpless, you felt cold and it was a very hot spring. This just couldn't happen. Not to him.

"Please help her." The medic ushered him to the sick bay. He gently laid you down on the bed. Standing by your side, they began mixing fluids and grabbing staffs from all around. Takumi was panicking. So much so, they made him leave. He refused and had to be escorted out.

It had been 5 days. 120 hours. 7,200 minutes. 432,000 seconds. Takumi had come down to see you everyday. New tears spilled everyday. But still no sign of you waking up. They said it would be a couple days not this.

Opening your eyes you groaned in pain. You felt sore all over, sitting up you looked to your surroundings. One of the medical rooms. Hearing snoring you saw your husband sleeping in a chair.

"Takumi?" you tried to wake him up. How long had it been. lifting the cover from over your legs you stood up. Feeling a dizzy at first, you let it pass and made your way to him. Not one step and he was up. you paused as you made eye contatc with him.

"Y/n?" he whispered his eyebrows furrowing. standing up he pulled you into his arms. He took you back to bed, sitting beside you.

"You need to rest." He told you quietly, you hugged him tightly again.

"I was so afraid..." he whispered, tears poued from his eyes. You cried with him. Holding on to the love of your life. You finally together again and there was no letting go.

"i love you so much."

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