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"Done deal," Niles said as he walked off to find Leo. I began to sweat nervously, why would I agree to something stupid?! I quickly got up rushing to find Niles.
I bumped into someone as I turned down the hallway.

"My apologies--" I saw it was Leo, I started to blush.

"Hmm, clumsy as always milady." He smirked, "I believe you were looking for me, yes?" I nodded. I told him the situation and led him back to quiet area I had been studying at. I pointed out the problem I was struggling with the most. Leo explained it step by step,

"Just like this, and then you'd add an extra elixir here for a cure instead of poison. Got it?" I nodded, finally understanding.
"Thank you so much, Lord Leo. I really am grateful," I looked up at him.
I noticed a colorful tint sneak on to his cheeks, he scratched his neck.

"Its nothing really. J-just call me Leo, y/n." I giggled a little,

"Thank you, Leo."

"Oh, Niles told me that you had something for me." My eyes went wide for second as I tried to think of an excuse.

"Well...I-- It's not l-like a wrapped present or anything so," Come on, Y/n. Just ask him
"I was wondering if you wanted to go out....together. " I cringed in my head, I felt how hot my cheeks were. I think I'm going to pass out. I heard him laugh,

"You're so cute, y/n." He cupped my cheek and kissed my lips. My heart was beating so hard and fast, I just didn't expect this. Smirking as he pulled away he nodded.

"Yes, I would like to go out. Together. "
I felt so lightheaded,
I guess I didn't look too hot either.

"Y/n, are you okay?" I nodded taking a deep breath,

"Yep, yep. I was just very nervous that you'd say 'no'". He laughed once more,

"Guess you're clueless too. I like you, y/n." He whispered loud enough to hear. My lips slightly parted,

"I-I...well um" I stopped my rambling as I realized what I was doing. He kissed my cheek as he stood.

"I'm looking forward to going out together. " he walked out the door. I sat there dumbfounded. Comprehending what happened, I silently screamed in excitement. We're going out!

Leo leaned against the door he'd just left from.

'Oh my gods! I was so nervous after said that. I confessed, and now we're going out!' He thought, he smiled widely. Quickly fixing himself, he walked to the dining hall trying to hide his smile.

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