Dimitri 5-5

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"Y/n, this the third training lesson this week."you groaned rolling over to see Dimitri frowning down at you.

"I'm sorry," you smiled apologetically,

"This little habit of lazing around will not get you stronger. Get up," he told you sternly, you groaned sitting up on the bed.

"I don't want to, Dimitri. " you whined. He rolled his eyes,

"I need motivation," you wiggled your eyebrows, puckering your lips.

"Y/n!" He blushed making you laugh. You jumped out of bed and into his arms kissing him on the lips,

"Okay! I'm motivated, let's go."


"I don't wanna train!" You cried out, sitting on the ground.

"Quit being lazy, you got your stupid motivation." He muttered annoyed, sometimes you just loved to piss Dimitri off.

"Alright fine," you stood dusting yourself off.

You quickly swung your sword and he pushed you back with his hilt making you stagger back. You went toe to toe for a bit,

"If I can take you down with one hand; training every day for two weeks. If not, whatever you want. " you paled at the thought of training for weeks straight, it would kill you! Sure you could physically do it, but mentally, you just weren't ready.

"Deal. Alright, you're going down." You smirked and started your attack. He easily defended each hit with ease for using one hand. Running at him, you somehow managed to trip up and fall.

"Ah!"  Dimitri moved out of the way from instinct, realizing that you had face planted next to him he had bent down to help you.

"Love. are you alright?" He patted your back. You sat up on your knees with a bit of dirt on your forehead making him laugh.

"I don't wanna train for two weeks," he laughed at you whilst wiping at your forehead.

"Its ok, you'll be with me. We can work on some decent footwork," he chuckled kissing your cheek.

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