1 step closer

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I was typing 'Roy Wang', 'Wang Yuan' and '王源' on Google and YouTube just to find out more about him.

Suddenly without a knock, Mum opened my door and I was filled with annoyance.

'Mummy, why didn't you knock?' I asked politely.

'We are moving to China because of Daddy's job. His company needs him to be stationed there to make sure that the business is going smoothly", she explains.

'China is so big! Which part are we moving to?' I asked with excitement.


'OH MY GAWD! YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? NO WAY I MUST BE DREAMING AM I? MUMMY PINCH ME! WAKE ME UP FROM THIS DREAM!' I was speaking so quickly while hugging my mum tightly, so tight that it was suffocating her.

'Ai-ya why are you so happy? Do you have a boyfriend that I do not know of?' she asked with curiosity.

'HAH I wish!'

'Go and start packing! Bring all the things that you can't live without. We are leaving next week!

'That is really soon!'

Mum left the room and I was still lost for words at that moment. How can this possibly happen? It was just yesterday when I found out about this wonderful creation and now, I am about to get even closer to him in a week? This can't be real.

'Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that you will be having school at Chongqing Nankai Middle School.' Mummy reminded as she returned.

HOLY SHIET! Isn't that Wang Yuan's school!? I quickly googled his school, hoping that it was the one that Mummy mentioned.

It was his school.

I was so happy and excited that I jumped on my bed as if it was a trampoline. One step closer to a guy that would not notice me. Sounds depressing isn't it but come to think of it, it isn't that bad actually... getting to see him almost everyday in a week is really a treat.

I texted Christy, my best friend since Primary 5. Our friendship is very unique, we started off hating each other because I wanted to sit on the first seat in the school bus and so did she. The funny thing was that there were two seats and both of us could've sat together but no, we didn't.

Me: Hey Chris!

Chris: What do you want?

Me: I'm moving to China for real.


Me: I'm home and you are always welcome.

Christy came over and gave me a hug. She couldn't believe that I was moving out of the country so soon. Both of us had aspirations to go to Australia to further our studies. However, me moving to China kind of crushed that dream of ours. I felt sad because of the many years of friendship, so was she.

'I promise that I will come back to visit you as and when I can.' I said while trying to comfort her.

'I will try to ask my parents for permission to visit you in China as well.' Chris said.

'I mean i'll still be here until next week! We can make the best out of this time.' I explained to her.

We laid on my single size bed while talking about those days where we fought and how it progressed to going to each other's house everyday. I will miss those times... but change is the only constant, isn't it? We just have to suck it up and move on with time. Not forgetting, to grow with it as well.


I am so sorry if it is a bit draggy. I hope that you guys will love the story even though it might be just a little bit cliché. Keep reading and remember that every chapter will get you closer and closer to Roy.

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