New beginning

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Today, is the day.

The day I part with Chris and my relatives.

I was sobbing and so was Chris. We hugged each other tightly and promised each other that we would meet during the breaks.

Parting isn't easy but I just have to pull my shit together and enjoy the thrill of meeting an idol that I have never imagined of meeting. 

[6 hours flight to Chongqing, China]

I felt so jet lagged that all I wanted to do was to just sleep. Just thinking about school tomorrow made me sick. Roy is my only motivation... he is the only thing that will pull me out of my bed.

The moment we reached our apartment, I sunk onto the couch and never wanted to get up EVER.

Mum handed me the uniform, it looked very different from the one I used to have. This uniform looks so casual as it is just a red polo t-shirt with a short brown skirt. To be very honest, part of me felt very excited to go to school and part of me just want to explore China as it has always been a country in my bucket list.

Time to rest for a really long day of school tomorrow... a really long one.


Sorry for such a short chapter. I hope it prepares your heart for the amount of sweetness in the following chapters. If there is any kind of scenes you hope that I would add in my story, you can always drop a comment. Do feedback on my story so that I know that this is what you want to read.

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