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Today is going to be my first day back in school after the accident. That Roy dude is going to wait for me at my lobby so that we can go to school together. I have absolutely no idea what we were. There weren't even snippets of Roy and I before the accident, it feels like nothing actually happened between us. However, I found something quite... jaw-dropping. 

I had an article written about him and I going on a date at an amusement park. I searched up his name and clicked on Wikipedia which is the first to appear on the search engine. So apparently, he is super famous and everyone seem to be obsessed with him which I am not surprised for his good looks. 

He is in a band with 2 other guys which looks hot as well. Their features are so alluring, my heart died a little. But, one guy caught my heart though... his name is Qian Xi. The picture of him giving a wink just killed me internally. It feels like there is a real cupid that shoot an arrow directly at my heart. 

After stalking his Instagram and Weibo for another 15 minutes, I got out of bed to get dressed for school. I part my hair in the middle and braid them in 2 neat french braids. 

As I saunter out of the house, it is just odd to feel that mom is not there to lock the door as I leave. I miss mom. I miss dad even more. 

Roy sat patiently at my lobby with his legs crossed. His uniform did not have any crisp, it was properly ironed. His driver waited outside and being a gentleman that he is, he would hold the glass door for me before he steps out. 

We did not talk much in the car though. He looked out of the window with his EarPods. I wonder what he is listening to though... 

Suddenly, I thought go a conversation starter. 

'Hey!' I tapped him lightly on his arms. 

'What is it?' he took out his left EarPod.

'Oh... its just...' I tried to phrase everything in my mind properly without trying to be weird like I am about to hit on his friend. 

'You know that guy in your band, Qian Xi?' I asked as my voice get softer. 

'Yeah, why?' he asked, now he look even more curious than I am. 

'Is he dating anyone?' I asked trying my best not to be creepy.

'I don't think so... why?' 

'Oh! Nothing! Just a random thought you know. HAHAHAH!' I tried laughing it off as I immediately divert my attention to my phone.'

'Are you... interested in him?' he asked as he lean closer to my face.

'Boy, you are thinking too much.' I answered trying my best not to give him even 1 second of eye contact. 

'You do! Every time you lie, you would always avoid giving eye contact.' he said.

'Since when?' I looked him in the eye and his face was just too close to mine! So close that our nose almost touch. 

I looked out of the window and tried to focus on looking at all the architecture rather than thinking about what just happened. I don't like him. But, why is my heart beating so fast. 

Xixi and Ning waited for me at the school's gate. The 4 of us walk into the school together like as if we do this everyday. I linked arms with Xixi and Ning like ionic bonds. Roy walked ahead of us to find his classmate. 

'Just a random question, was I really in a relationship with Roy?' I asked. 

'You and Roy being together is the juiciest gossip in the school! To be honest, it has been the talk of the town for quite awhile, until you got into an accident with your family...' Xixi slowed down at the end as she knew that she shouldn't have touched on that topic.

'Minyi, ignore her. She never ever think before she say.' Xixi looked away feeling bad that she reminded me of the accident. 

'No worries...' i gave Xixi and Ning a reassuring smile. 

'Actually... why did you asked about you and Roy?' Ning asked.

'I don't understand why I would like him... I mean there is someone that suits my criteria and it isn't Roy.' I explained.

'Who?' Xixi asked as her eyes widen. 

'Qianxi.' I said as I blush a little. 

'Ning, she is blushing! Do you know he is Roy's friend?' Xixi asked. 

'Of course I know. It is just infatuation I won't do anything about it. I'm sure many girls are in love with him.' I said. 

'Do Roy know about this? I'm pretty sure he is going to be so sad. He love you so much, you don't even know.' Ning said with her pity tone that would make anyone feel bad. 

'But, I really don't feel the same way he feel for me.' I answered without a hesitation. 

'Things are about to get really, really... insane.' Xixi said in disbelief. 

After school, Roy waited outside my class. I thought he was going to send me back home or something. Instead, he took me to the library. We sat on the seat with a magnificent view. The sun shone on the window and the shadow of the tree is being cast on the wooden table. 

'We always come here to finish up our homework and sometimes even tutoring.' he said as he drag out the chair to sit. 

'I really like this place, it just give me the extra push to study harder.' I said. 

'Minyi, come to my birthday party tomorrow. Don't worry you can bring Xixi and Ning along.' he slide an invite across the table. That invite makes me so nervous, Qianxi will be there. Oh my gosh, he is going to be there! I could feel my heart thumping out of my chest. 

'You didn't even give me time to prepare a gift for you. What a friend...' I said as I pretend to be angry with him. 

'I will like anything that you give.' 

I smiled at him as my head is just browsing through my closet. Questions like what gift should I prepare, what should I wear, should I dress to impress or just dress as me. 

After leaving the library, I dropped Xixi and Ning a text. 

Minyi: Roy is having a birthday celebration TOMORROW!

Ning: So last minute? 

Minyi: Ning, you need to make it for this! I am so nervous, what do I do if I see Qianxi?

Xixi: There will be food there right? 

Minyi: Yes

Xixi: I'll be there.

Minyi: What about you Ning? 

Ning: All for you sister! 

Minyi: Thanks guys! See y'all tomorrow:)

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