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I play my favourite album over and over again hoping that it will put me to sleep. 

I imagine the different scenarios that might happen at his birthday party. Scenarios like what Qianxi would wear, how the place will be decorated and maybe even how all the VIPs will be speaking their perfect Chinese in a very haughty manner. 

Those thoughts just keep hovering in my mind, I can't help but think. 

I thought about the dark eye circles that will appear the next morning. Somehow, that works on me because I eventually fell into a deep slumber. 

I woke up even before my alarm clock start to ring.

Today, is the day. 

I slide open my wardrobe's door crossing my fingers, hoping to find something suitable for this birthday party. I check the invite again making sure that I got the dress code right. 

'Casual with a touch of denim.' 

I pulled out a white flow floral shirt. The tropical plants printed on it helps to keep me calm. The shirt is accompanied with a v-neck line. I chose the jeans which is ultra ripped because the party is at the beach. 

Of all locations, the beach.

I curled my hair till it has gentle waves then I part my hair in half and pin up my bangs with my favourite red snap clips. After that, I grab the rest of my hair into a low ponytail. 

I reach the beach in about 30 minutes on a very shaky bus. I was hoping that it would shake my nervousness away though. But sadly, it didn't.

 The moment the bus door open the smell of the sea breeze just fill the atmosphere around me. 

I walk towards the beach house and it is probably the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It has a very rustic vibe to it which makes this place looks extremely cozy. Moreover, it is painted with a coat of white paint. I took 3 deep breaths and walk up the steps which is decorated with blue and white helium balloons on the railing. I open the wooden door hoping to see Ning and Xixi so that I wouldn't have an awkward situation with anyone whom I don't know. 

Life can't get better, huh? 

The first person I see isn't Xixi neither is it Ning or Roy. 

It is Qianxi. It was so quiet I could hear those water droplets hit the floor as it slide off his face. I could feel my cheeks progressively heating up. I stood still for a few seconds then shut the door behind me. 

'Everyone is at the backyard, you can just leave your gift at the table.' He gestured and top it off with a smile. 

'Oh! ok. Why aren't you joining them?' I asked. Cool Min, cool you are so going to regret this. He is definitely going to shrug you off. 

'Oh, I just came to grab my Polaroid. Quick come and join us!' he said as he grab on to my wrist all the way to the backyard. 

Do we know each other? Why is he treating me like as if we knew each other for the longest time.  Oh and let's talk about him grabbing my wrist. I could feel my body freeze, not knowing how to react to it. 

As I got closer, I could hear party music blasting through the speakers. I was shocked to see Xixi and Ning in the pool in their swim suits. 

'Minyi! Come join us!' Xixi yelled with excitement as she tread water. 

'No, it is fine! I didn't bring extra clothes.' I said as I put both my hands around my mouth hoping that she she could hear me as I am trying to fight the loud music.

Suddenly, I could feel a push from behind me. I fell into the pool. Just like that. 

When I manage to get on both my feet, a flash from the Polaroid went off. Everyone was cheering  at the top of their lungs as if I was the birthday girl. 

'Don't worry Min, you still look good!' Roy said as he giggled. 

'What am I suppose to wear now that I am soaking wet.' I ask Roy, giving him my deadliest glare. 

'Have fun! We can solve everything later.' He said as he put down the Polaroid.

I dry my shirt and jeans under the celestial fireball. 

In the mean time, I wore Roy's hoodie which is long enough to cover up my thighs. I was so thankful that his manager isn't here and all those adults aren't here to spoil the fun. It is more chill than I imagined. But, I was hoping to get Qianxi's hoodie though. 

We went out by the beach to catch the sunset which reflecting on the ocean's surface.

 I could feel Roy watching me watch the sunset. 

However, I was looking at Qianxi having his feet sink into the sand as the wave crash upon it. 

After the sun set, we sat by the bonfire ready to play some games and roast some marshmallows. I sat down on the mat, secretly hoping that Qianxi would sit beside me. But, I don't even know how Roy just ended up beside me again. And, Qianxi is sitting beside this pretty girl that Roy have yet to introduce me to. Qianxi was laughing away when talking to that girl. 

'What is so funny?' I mutter under my breath. 

'What is it?' Roy inched closer. 

'Nothing.' I said as I grip onto the fine sand. 

'How about let's play truth or dare?' Xixi initiated, God I hate that game. 

The bottle spins and it is pointing... at Qianxi.

'Qianxi, truth or dare?' Xixi asked. 

'Truth.' he answered without hesitation.

'Do you have anyone you like?' Xixi questioned. 


'Is she in this circle?' 

'Yes.' he answered, just kill me now! The girl must be her!

'Mind telling us who?' Xixi continues her interrogation. Qianxi look at me for a good 5 seconds. My eyes were pleading him to tell everyone that he was joking. 

Then, he look at that girl beside him. It is then where I knew, my gut feeling was right. 

'Oh! So, you like Ying Yue!' Xixi announced. He gave Xixi that smile that showed off his dimples. My heart died a little. 

Qianxi spin the bottle and it points to... Roy. 

'Hey Roy, truth or dare?' Xixi probed. 

'Hmmm... dare.' 

Somehow, I knew something is going to go terribly wrong. 

'Kiss Min on the cheek.' Ning bellowed. 

Before I could even stop him from doing the dare, his soft lips landed on my flustered cheeks. 

Everyone gave us the teasing 'oh' which makes me shiver. I took my apple cider and gulp the whole bottle down. 

After awhile, everyone went home except the boys and me. 

I was so tipsy Roy carry me to the beach house. He lay me down gently on the couch. He took a warm towel from the toilet and wipe my arms. 

'Why are you with her?' I said drunkenly.

I could feel him pause for a second. 

'I am not with anyone Min.' Roy spoke softly.

'Qianxi... why...' I said as my speech slurred. 

'Minyi... I will try to make you fall in love with me like how you did before.' he breathed as he cover me with a wool blanket. 

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