The timing

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It is only the 2nd day of school and I am late once again.

I was walking briskly until Roy run pass me and said 'good morning and start running already!'. I started to hear heavy footsteps. I turned around and the whole group of fangirls were running towards my direction again. I ran as fast as I could back to my classroom.

'Late and panting again?' Xixi asked.

'Yea, I kept snoozing my alarm and the bunch of fangirls were chasing after me and Roy again!' I said.

'Come earlier next time and you can avoid them.' Ning said.

'Guys! I will be meeting Roy in the library after school to help each other with our weakest subject.' I said with excitement.


'I don't know either, he just came and sit with me in the library.' I explained.

'He is clearly interested in you!' Xixi said.

'Oh please, so many girls out there and what makes you think that it would be me?' I said while feeling shy.

'Love is very mysterious. When it happens, it happens.' Ning said.

[After school in the library]

As usual, I reached first. I tried to calm myself down by thinking that he is just a normal guy friend. Nothing more or less to it.

He came shortly after I've reached.

'Hi!' I said with a big smile.

'Hey! You seem very happy today.' He said.

'Oh... really? You know actually I was just wondering. Why are you always late for school?' I asked.

'Shouldn't I be the one asking you?' Roy said.

'I was late because I am always snoozing my alarm and I just can't seem to wake up.' I explained.

'Well then, same for me. I have night practices with the boys... and I usually get to sleep only at 1am.' Roy said.

'Must be tiring for you to get chased by fangirls every day...' I replied.

'Let's get to work shall we?' Roy said.

[3 hours of studying]

'Oh my it is already 6pm, I think it is time we go home. Oh no, it is raining and I don't have an umbrella.' I exclaimed.

'No worries! Pack your things, I'll show you the way.' Roy said with a grin.

We reached the end of the sheltered pathway. He took out his blue jacket and asked me to hold one side of the jacket while he hold the other. We count to 3 and ran to the nearest bus stop.

'Your jacket was so 'useful'. Thanks for sheltering me though.' I said while giggling because both of us are completely drenched by the heavy rain.

'HAHA this is my favourite thing to do when it rains. Sometimes, I just wanna play in the rain but I can't because people are either chasing after me or looking at my every move.' Roy said while trying to dry his wet hair. When I saw his wet hair, my heart instantly melted.

'Well, it isn't easy being famous after all... I mean just enjoy it as much as you can and not care about what people would think about you because if they really like you, they would love you for your flaws as well.' I said. He looked at me with so much focus that I feel just a bit awkward by it.

'You sound like as if you have gone through it yourself.' Roy said.

'I don't need to be famous to know that I should live my life to the fullest.' I said with a cheerful smile, hoping to make him feel better about not being able to enjoy certain things in his life because of his status.

'I am happy that I have a friend like you.' He said.

My heart fluttered when he said that. I tried to hide it by looking at the ground while swinging my legs back and forth.

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