Messed up

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I fiddled around the couch for my phone and guess what? It has ran out of battery. Great! Just, great! Mum must be worried sick, I did not even inform her where I was and who I was with. I glimpse at the vintage analogue clock.

'Shit! It is already 12 o' clock and nobody woke me up?' I quickly take my bag and rummage through the coffee table for my belongings.

'Chill out, Minyi! Come and have some breakfast first. Qianxi cooked bacon and eggs and they are delicious~', Jun Kai said while stuffing a whole piece of bacon into his mouth. Suddenly, the thought of Qianxi and even the sound of his name just makes my heart break a little. Even though, he was merely just an eye candy. There is just this thought at the back of my mind, am I not good enough for him?.

'Hi boys, I really got to go enjoy your brunch alright?' I said as I put on my shoes, ready to leave.

'Minyi! Hold up, let me drop you off. I heard from Ning and Xixi that the bus stop is pretty far away.' Roy said as he got up from his seat, chugging down the remaining half a cup of hot chocolate. He went through the cabinets and took out a red Tupperware to store a sausage with some bacon and egg.

'Here is the spoon, fork and some food. You may gobble them up in the car.' Roy instructed. It was such as small gesture, but it surely warmed my heart.

'Let's go.' I said as I put a baseball cap on his messy bed head.

On the road home, I am just hoping that mum will not kill me for not telling her that I went out with Roy and the rest. The thing that worries me the most is that, I stayed overnight without her notice. Man, I am screwed.

'Hey, thanks for the ride!' I said, while unbuckling my seat belt.

'Anytime.' he said with his cheerful smile.

When I got to the main door, I pray solemnly that mum is calm and she didn't lodge a police report because that will be absurd. I hope she don't think that I am dead just because my phone has run out of battery.

I open the door and my fear just intensified by a million times. I took a step into my house. Mum was sitting on the couch watching the television. Beer cans were scattered all over the ground, the house was in a complete mess.

'Mum, I'm home. What happened? Why is it so messy?' I asked nervously. A tear roll down her cheek, and then another followed.

'Mummy, why are you crying? I'm safe now! Look, I am perfectly fine. It was my fault for not giving you a call and telling you that I won't be home last night. I am sorry Mummy, this was all my fault.' I said as I sat next to her with my arms around her neck, cheek to cheek. Tears flowed at a higher frequency as she hugged her knees while letting it all out.

'Last night, a lady came to our house and asked me to back off from your daddy.' she explained as she try to inhale air to speak.

'You mean... daddy... is cheating on you?' I said as my eyes turn into 2 black slits.

Mum started crying even harder after I asked that question. It was so painful to hear such things from my mum and it is even more painful for me to see my mum like this. All I could do was hold her in my arms and let her tears soak through my shirt.

I heard the door knob open. Oh no this isn't happening.

My eyes and my dad's eyes meet.

'What are you doing here! Haven't you caused enough damage?' my voice only got louder.

'Min, let your mum and I settle this privately.' he said softly acting like the victim as the situation.

'Am I not your daughter? Don't I have any rights in my parents marriage? Dad, have you forgotten? I am now 16. I can say whatever I want. Now, leave! I don't want to hear a single word from you!' I shoved him out of the house as my mum continues to weep.

Before he leaves, he threw a brown folder on the ground.

I unwind the thread that is holding the flap down. Lo and behold, it was exactly what I expected.

The divorce papers.

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