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Roy: Hey, library tmr:)


Roy and I meet everyday after school in the library for about a week now. We are always at the same spot. I would sit opposite him while our bags are all placed on the empty seat beside us.

[Next day]

I am late for school today again! Roy tapped on my bag.

'Min! Run!' Roy said.

I ran without even asking any questions because I know the whole group of fangirls are approaching us.

I ran without even realising that Roy's hand was gripping on my wrist. He pulled me to this secluded corner to hide from the group of fangirls. My back was on the wall while his face was right in front and so close to mine I could even feel his breathing. My cheeks were flushed red and I hope that he did not notice it.

'Are they gone?' I asked.

He quickly let go of my hand and said 'Y-e-ea, they are gone'.

'We are so late! We should really go to class now.' I said.

We quickly ran to class.

'Met Roy's fangirls again?' asked Ning.

'I didn't only meet them, I met Roy as well.' I said.

'After so many dates, I don't believe that you guys did not have any progress.' Xixi said.

'He held my wrist just now.' I said softly.

'What?!?!?!?' said both Xixi and Ning. The class turned and gave us a glare.

'That was sooo loud guys.' I tried keeping calm.

'You are meeting him after school right?' Xixi asked.

'Yea... why?' I asked

'All the best, my lady.' Xixi said while stretching out her right hand for a hand shake.

'What do you mean?' I asked. I shook her hand.

'He might just casually kiss you, Gawd knows what might happen since he already 'held your wrist'.' Xixi said.

'Stop teasing her, she is already turning red.' Ning said.

'Hey stop talking you 3!' Mrs Lee yelled.

[After school in the library.]

Today, was different. Everything is changing. Maybe, change isn't the word. It is just going to the next level.

Roy was there before me.

'Hey, you are early today!' I exclaimed.

'Class ended early because Mr Zhang did not come to school today.' Roy said.

'Did you realise that more girls are coming to the library?' I asked.

'Really?!?!' Roy said with sarcasm.

'Did you also realise that they are all looking at you with the corner of their eyes?' I asked while chuckling.

'Where? I don't see them.' Roy said as he was just trying to ignore the fact that he is being noticed.

'Let's get to work now.' I said.

[3 hours later]

'It is raining, let's just end here for today. Why is it always raining when I am with you?' I wondered.

'I wonder too... you didn't bring your umbrella, did you? Roy asked.

'Nope.' I smiled sheepishly.

'I didn't bring my jacket either...' Roy said.

'I guess we shall just run in the rain then.' I said with a big smile.

'Sounds good.' He said.

'I will count to 3 ok?' I asked.



I have not even finished counting.

He just interlocked hands with me and started running in the rain. I did not stop him from doing so because I am very sure about how I feel about him now.

The rain was so heavy just being in it for 5 seconds would already make you soaking wet.

'HAHAHAHAH how, did you like that bath?' I said while laughing at him.

'I like it a lot.' He said while smiling widely.

He then started to look at himself at the panel with bus numbers. He then adjusted his hair, making sure that it looks good.

'Don't worry man, you still look hot with your wet hair AHAHAHAHAH!' I said without realising it.

Suddenly, he just gave me a peck on my cheeks.


I looked at him in his eyes that is mono-lid on one side and double-lid on the other. Somehow, my guts told me to reciprocate and... I did.

At this very empty bus stop, I gave him a peck on his cheeks. I saw his eyes grew big. He must've been very shock. I laughed when it all ended. The bus came just in time.

'Bye, see you tomorrow Roy.' I said.

'Yea, see you! Text me when you reached home.' he said.

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