You won't lose me

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[10pm, Thursday]

Min: Heyyooo, have you been on a subway before? Sorry if it is a bit random, just crossed my mind.

Roy: There are many things that I can't really do. That's one of them.

Min: Oh my gawd dude! We should totally do that!

Roy: Min you know we can't.

Min: Just do what you always do... don't talk, wear your mask and your sunglasses!!!

Roy: What if people figured out that I am Roy Wang?

Min: I will protect you heheheheheheh.

Roy: HAHAHAH you protect me? It is more like me protecting you from crazy fangirls.

Min: Let's just see how it goes ok? Let's hang out on Saturday!

Roy: Sounds good! You better feel honoured because I am spending my off day with you.

Min: Ofc I am honoured;)

[Next day]

I was in the toilet cubicle and I heard someone mentioned my name.

'Hey, do you know about this girl called Minyi? She is ALWAYS hanging out with Roy! What is so good about her anyway.' a girl said.

'You are the perfect girl for Roy! Maybe you should try asking him out on a date!' another girl says.

'I will ask him out later.' the girl replied. I could imagine the smile she give when she said that. 

When I heard the toilet door shut, I came out of the cubicle. My heart was pumping very quickly. I am so anxious and I don't know why. Am I scared of losing him? Am I scared of being told in the face to get away from him? I don't know. I felt so lost. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't control my feelings and tears started streaming down my face.

I washed my face and quickly returned back to class.

'Why are your eyes swollen?' Xixi asked.

'Its just...' tears started to well up my eyes again and I just couldn't speak. I rested my head on the table while bawling.

'Friend, stop crying. Tell us what happen! If Roy is the cause of this we will find him and...' Ning said.

'No, it isn't... it's just some girls talking bad about me being close to Roy... I don't know what to do...' I tried explaining while catching my breath.

Suddenly, I felt someone sitting beside me and starting to comfort me by massaging my shoulders.

'Hey, what happened? Why are you crying? Come with me.' Roy said.

He held my hand and brought me to the place where we hid from the fangirls.

We sat down face to face with our legs crossed. He held my hand and started to ask why I was crying. I tried holding it in but when I saw him, I just cried even more.

'Its just... some girls talking shit about me.' I said.

'What did they say?' Roy asked with concerned.

'Its just this girl who is jealous that we keep hanging out. She just feel that she is the better one for you and she is going to ask you out so that you guys can be closer I guess...' I said.

'Don't cry ok, you won't lose me.' Roy said

He then gave me a reassuring hug. That meant so much to me.

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