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'Hey mum, I don't want to hide it anymore. And, I promised you that I would tell you when I'm ready so here it is.' I said while trying to calm my nerves down.

'Ok, now say.' mum said while holding back her anger.

'Please promise me you won't rage... please?' I plead.

'Ok fine now say.' she said while finally letting her tense face relax to an expression which expresses concern now.

'So, Roy and I are somewhat together.' I finally said it.

'I knew it! If not you wouldn't have rushed out in the middle of the night. You know Min, I really wanted to stop you that night. But, I knew that you would hate me and it would just push you further away from me. So, I hope that you know your limits and boundaries that you cannot cross. I'm not saying that I approve this relationship though.' she explained patiently.

'I understand your point of view mummy. I mean i'm only 16, there are many things I don't know about love. And, if I feel like he might just be the right one, why not give it a try right?' I said.

'I love you so much you know? I don't want your heart to ever be broken. But, it's time you grow up and manage your own feelings too.' Mum said.

'Mmmhmmm...' I replied.

[The next day]

Min: I told my my mum about us...
Roy: What did she say?
Min: She just said that I need to know my boundaries... yea actually that's about it.
Roy: Oh... I see...
Min: She has so much trust in me that i'm so grateful!
Roy: Talking about being grateful... are you grateful for me? ;)
Min: You're getting more and more straight forward geezzz...

'Hey! Too busy with your celebrity boyfriend?' Xixi asked while catching up with me at the school gate.

'HAHAHA what makes you think so, and he isn't my boyfriend ok?' I told Xixi.

'Oh please, stop denying I bet the whole school knows by now.' Ning said.

'Oh my you scared me! I am just trying to keep this as low key as possible. I don't want this to affect his work.' I said.

'What a thoughtful girlfriend HAHA!' Xixi said.

'HEY! YOU!' someone yelled from behind.

The moment I turn around, a bucket of water just came straight into my face.

'You better watch out! It isn't going to be water the next time round!' the girl said.

Before Xixi and Ning could react to it. The girl had already ran away.

'Min! Are you ok? Omg! We better get you changed!' Xixi said while Ning took out her face towel that she brought for physical education. I was too shocked for words, I didn't know what to say. I stood still until a guy who is late started running in.

'Oh my gawd! Min why are you soaked?' He asked while putting his right hand on my left cheek. I stood still, my body was still frozen.

'Who do you think would do this to her?' Ning asked.

'I really don't know, I bet it's those crazy fangirls again.' Roy replied.

'If you can't even protect her from your crazy fangirls, how are you going to continue dating her?' Xixi asked.

'I will bring her to the office to get a new set of clothes, you guys can go back to class first. She will be back in a bit.' Roy said.

I was feeling so lost. Why would someone do that? Who would do something like this? Why is he always a split second late before something bad happens?

I was staring at the ground when he grabbed my right hand and leave. I let him do it because I can no longer think straight, I still can't process what happened.

'Student, why are you so wet?' the lady at the front desk asked.

'Someone just threw a bucket of water at me. Do you have any extra uniform?' I asked politely.

'Yeap, hold on I will get it for you.' she replied.

Roy looked at me, he did not say anything.

I looked at him, I have nothing to say either.

I want to cry so badly but I don't want him to feel like he have to always be the one to save the situation. I want to be brave so I am not going to cry and start hugging him like what I did the last time.

'Here. Walk straight turn right, there is a toilet there.' the lady said.

I closed the toilet door and without knowing, tears just started to roll down my cheeks. I couldn't hold back anymore. I just have so many questions. Is this what taking risk in a relationship is all about? If he came just a few minutes earlier, could it be avoided? Questions after questions but yet, I don't blame him.

I quickly get changed, wipe my tears away, breathe and walk out of this toilet.

'Thank you for lending me this uniform.' I said.

'No problem, just remember to return it ok?' the lady said.

Roy and I walked out of the office. We were walking really slowly and all of a sudden he just stop walking. I noticed but I just kept walking because I was too occupied by my thoughts to even bother.

'I'm sorry.' Roy said. I stopped walking when I heard that.

'I'm sorry that I can't protect you. I'm sorry that we can't date like how we want to. I'm sorry that all these happened to you because of me.' he continued.

Tears started to well up my eyes again. I turned around to take a look at him. He took big steps towards me and started hugging me with his arms around my neck. My hands were clutched at his jacket while I am crying silently into his shoulder. At that moment, I didn't care if a teacher walk up to us and start lecturing us about being too close. I always wish that I could be strong enough to protect him from this crazy world that is so in love with him.

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