《12》Armed and Ready

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Tia's POV


"Oh my god, here we go again," Tony groaned, promptly stuffing his fingers in his ears.

Through the open laptop on the seat beside, Peter's image grinned.

"I can't believe I'm doing my science homework on a plane to Germany..." He admitted sheepishly.

"Why did we recruit two teenagers, again?" Rhodey asked. His tone was polite, but he, like every other adult on the team, was tired of Peter and I's antics. Ever since Tony had set up the videochat, Peter and I had talked non-stop about pop culture for the first two hours of the flight, but then he remembered his homework... so.... yeah.

"Hey, hey, we should call up Shuri and get her to join in!" I grinned eagerly.

"No. No, absolutely not," T'Challa piped up instantly, "I'm not even going to question how you know about Shuri, but letting her meet you would mean never-ending 'meme' references."

"...That's the point," I said. T'Challa frowned.

"ANYWAY!" Tony had to practically yell to get everyone's attention, "We know who we're up against, and we know where."

"Leipzig Airport. They've got S.H.I.E.L.D aircraft stored there. Rogers will try to acquire one... Plus, we've got security footage to support this evidence..." Natasha reminded everyone.

"Bingo. So, we need a battle plan," Tony nodded, "Rogers won't stop, we know that."

"It's still polite to ask, right?" Peter interjected, pencil dangling from his fingers. We all stared at him through the laptop screen.

"...Uh, sure..." Natasha said uncertainly.

"Back to the point..." Tony said meaningfully, "Since we've got two secret weapons, we have the element of surprise."

"'Weapons'?!" I spluttered indignantly, "Excuse me, but we're people too, you know!"

"Don't make me regret bringing you along."

Rhodey snorted at my outraged expression, "So what is your plan, Tony? We'll be arriving soon."

"Right... I found a layout of the Leipzig Airport. We can base our strategy around that," Tony extracted his phone from his pocket and laid it face up on the empty seat beside him. With a single tap, a 3D holographic image projection of what I recognised as the Leipzig Airport flared to life.

"The S.H.I.E.L.D aircraft are stored in these hangers here..." Natasha pointed to a row of hanger bays, "If we position ourselves close to there, we should be able to successfully intercept Rogers, Barnes and the others."

"Um, I have a question... When we're fighting, can I web Captain America in ze legs because his shield is ze size of a dinner plate?" Peter grinned. I doubled over in my seat laughing, and Peter soon joined in. From offscreen in the call, I heard Happy muttering something about 'kids these days'.

"What? I guess so?" Tony replied, obviously not picking up on the reference.

"I've hung around my little sister enough to know that was a Vine reference..." T'Challa mumbled, rubbing his temples, "I'm never going to let you two meet her. That would be utterly catastrophic."

"Oh, we're totally meeting her!" I mused.

"This is serious business, you guys..." Natasha scolded. We shut up. If Natasha 'I'll shoot you in the face and still make it look majestic' Romanoff was telling you to shut up, you better shut up.

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