《45》Math is Terrible, Don't @ Me

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Me: *has a Biology Report draft, an English speech draft and a Drama essay draft due in the next three days*
Also Me: *doing literally anything else including throwing together an easy Veronica Sawyer cosplay and writing fanfiction for five hours*

Tia's POV

Getting back to school after the week we had spent at Clint's farm made me feel like I was in that Thomas Sanders Vine- the one where he misses one day of school and has about a billion homework and assessment tasks to do, sohe says he's going to fly himself into the sun. What a legend.

Of course, Maths was the most work-heavy when it came to homework. From what I heard from my classmates on my first day back, our teacher had assigned just about the entire damn textbook as homework. So fun.
Apparently, we had also been given our English assignment (though luckily it wasn't due for another couple of weeks), and had also missed some important content from Biology and History (plus several worksheets for both these subjects, as well). 

Luckily, the only homework for Drama was watching some videos about physical theatre as an introduction to our next unit. From what I'd seen, physical theatre looks like we'll have an absolute blast, but it will be time consuming and precise. Actual fun, in any case! A nice change of pace from last term's Shakespearean monologues.

My last subject was Philosophy, and at this point I didn't even care if we had homework- the only thing we'd done for two and a half terms was analyse the same old arguments without even really getting into 'philosophical aspects'. 

"What time were you up until last night?" Sonia groaned as she slid into the empty seat across from me.

"About three," I winced, trying (and barely succeeding) to suppress a yawn.

"I was up 'til five..." She mumbled, slumping over on the table. Luckily for her, the library was basically deserted (apart from us), therefore nearly silent. A perfect place to take a nap.

"Made much progress on your work?" I shoved one of my recently completed History sheets into my folder and reached for another.

"I... Don't know. Maybe? I've gotten through all of the Maths homework. Took all night, though..." Her muffled voice responded.

"I've barely started for Maths. What'd you get?" I glanced over at my textbook with disdain, like it was a cane toad.

"Crippling anxiety."

"Big mood."

"Gooooood afternoon, dear friends!" Chirped Valerie's overly cheerful voice. I regarded her, then Sonia (who was still hunched over the table, probably trying to imagine she was anywhere but here dying in mountains of homework).

"It's like your two roles are reversed. Sonia's usually the happy, chirpy one," I mused.

"What, and I'm always being a depressing, nihilistic potato?" Valerie scoffed, "Did you both stay up the whole night?"

"Uh-huh," Sonia's muffled voice sounded from underneath her sweeping hair, "And I had Archery practise last night, too... And I forgot my wrist guard. My wrist is so sore right now..."

Smirking, Valerie leaned forward on the table, "You want me to kiss it better?"

"That is very sweet, but if you touch it, I might just punch you."

I let out a bark of laughter at Sonia's exhausted response. Valerie rolled her eyes, grinning. She rummaged around in her backpack and produced a bag of snacks and some juice bottles, "Here ya go, you two. Sustenance!"

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