Chapter 2

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"An Angel Cried" - Ariana Grande


Life was always plain and simple for Eden before she was turned, she had her parents that cared for her and she respected them mutually. She didn't have any friends but that was more than ok for her because that was normal for her.

She was invisible to her peers and even the teachers would ignore her purposely because to everyone else she was strange. 

The girl that would wear dark colours (She prefers black and gray most of the time. But she has a soft spot for pink) , glare at any passerby and read alone in any corner she could at any time available.

SO REALLY nothing was wrong with her at all, at first it seemed starnge to her as why no one spoke to her or approached, but then she just accepted it. 

"If no one accepts me then why accept others?", She said that daily to herself and that worried her parents. They always ask, as most parents do "How was school?" "Are you ok?" And the child's response, "Fine". 

Isn't that how everyone responds? Sometimes it's true and other times if not most, it's not and for Eden's case it wasn't. It was never fine, she was never happy, at that time she only lived for her parents happiness because they did in fact love her. 

Love. Eden didn't understand the meaning or what it was exactly, what is it? Her parents worried for her, she was unhappy and they didn't know why, why? So many questions asked and so many unanswered. They are either too complex or too easy to comprehend that the answer passes you. 

The world is a mystery, the beginning is a mystery and we will never know why. 

Sadly, neither will her parents because they always look for an alternative, they never thought that she cried at night hidden under her covers. That her scars..... weren't scars at all, weren't intentional. Eden began to feel so much that she began to feel only numb. That was normal for her. 


Her parents were big on trips and they've decided that now would be a good time to head to London and visit some distant family. They rode in their red cruiser from the airport and drove on the open highway, listening to country music (That was never Eden's choice of course. She preferred metal)  and her parents singing road tunes in the front, hand in hand But there was an accident and those never end well. .

Her father, George, tried to swerve away from the big truck that came their way to no avail.  Unlike everything happening in slow motion, everything happened quickly and with no time at all her parents were dead in an instant. 

The tires made a screech against the road as it was hit and spiraled into a ditch, there was another thud and it wasn't the car itself or the massive truck that seemed to have also crashed, but a person( Unknown to her for the obvious reason, the truck carried some special kind of substance that not even I can explain) . That was no matter to her of course, another person dead in the world including her parents, she was more distracted by her own physical pain. 

Blood was pooling from her leg and she was losing consciousness due to the torturous pain erupting from her back, as if something was breaking her spine. Black vans suddenly appeared from the woods on either side of the highway and figures came out of each one. She rendered unconscious and was taken away. 

Taken away from her parents, the crash and her own past because from there everything was over. 


"Eden. Eden are you listening. Answer the question", The feminine voice from the speakers spoke. Behind the glass men and women were working about monitoring her every decision, her breathing and pulse. 

A woman continued to speak through the small mic but was interrupted when Eden spoke. "What was the question?" 

"What are you?". 

Eden looked over at her black wings and looked forward at the glass again, a tear slipping down her face, "A monster" 

"Very good. We'll start with a few excersizes" 

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