Chapter 9

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The day passed and the subject experiments were escorted to their cells after a long day of tests and physical practice. The guards changed their shifts and stationed themselves for their nightly routine. 

The guards. The watchmen. The watchdogs. 

No one talks about them much because they only do of what their told, which is true. They do what they're told and get the job done with zero complaint. 

Being  an armed guard has it's dangers though, they are in a position where they will sometimes engage in violent confrontation with the inmates and earn a bruise or two in the process. The life of an armed guard is no easy task. It's trying, overworking, dangerous and no fun at all, none are happy until they recieve their paycheck. 

Except for one. Except for the happy go lucky boy who had fallen head over heels for inmate 6612, Aaron. He was a sweet boy, innocent and naive which is normal for his age of 21. His parents joined the military forces and he wished to follow in their footsteps. When he recieved his letter of opprotunity to be part of the armed guards for the Institiute of Science, he believed it was the next best thing. 

This didn't go without trial and error. He trained as a soldier would, followed the same routine, dressed in uniform and was taught to withstand different terms and conditions. He believed it was all worth it because he was able to meet his two friends and her

In training camp he met his two good friends, Rob and Sean. He had requested to room with them in the bunkers when they were all accepted to work for the I.O.S and he didn't regret it, except for one certain night. 


Aaron was preparing to sleep after a long day of work, including Rob and Sean. 

Rob was a well kept man, who knew what he wanted and when he needed it. Although he couldn't keep his mouth sht even if he wanted to which would land him introuble from time to time. His skill in perception is what brought him here and he was ever so grateful. 

Sean was more quiet and reserved, he never spoke unless it was important and people would listen. 

"You wouldn't believe what I saw today in the infirmary. I thought I'd seen everything by being here but I was wrong", Rob spoke with a towel upon his shoulder. 

"What did you see?", Aaron asked in anticipation. He looked down at Rob from the top bunk he shared with him. "I saw a girl with three eyes! Three! The one was behind her neck and boy did it give me goosebumps", He said in disbelief. His brown eyes closing at the memory in mild fright. 

"That sounds pretty cool", Aaron said mindlessly. 

"It's not cool it's creepy, they're all freaks here", Rob said. 

"Not all of them", Ron said in defense. Rob continued, not noticing the change in Aaron's voice. 

"Yes, all of them. Have you seen them at all? Some have abnormal eye colours, horns and even scales! Like the devil himself sent his children in his stead" 

"They aren't freaks Rob. Try looking in the mirror yourself, you aren't so pretty either", Ron glared at his friend. 

"Why so tense? Oh yeah, your little crush on 6612, right?" 

"She has a name. And it isn't a crush when she likes me back... It's mutual infatuation", Ron said shyly and blushed. 

"It's not possible for her to like you back Ron, it's not possible for her to"

"It is too! You make her out to be a monster but she isn't. She actually is really friendly and... she cares about me", Ron sulked in thought. Maybe she didn't care like he did, maybe what he thought was mutual was actually one sided..... No. He refused to believe it. 

"Aaron, buddy", Rob began in pity, "I've seen her, heard her speak and he's just manipulating you! Like everyone else here, she's dangerous, take it from me and stay away from her"

"of course she's dangerous Rob, I'm not naive. But can you blame them when they attack us? We've trapped them here with no freedom at all and treat them like lab rats! They still have lives", Ron said the last bit quietly. 

"Yeah, well there isn't anything innocent about them. They're monsters. She killed her own parents, did you know that? They don't have any feelings left Ron"

"She did not and they do have feelings", Ron said now angered at Rob's lies. 

"They do not!", Rob placed the towel on the ground and walked toward Ron in an angered pace. Ron jumped from his bunk and stood before Rob in a fighting stance. 

"But I do! I have feelings and they are for her. I love her Rob and maybe it's only been a few weeks but it's true. Freak as you say or not, all I see is a pretty girl locked behind bars", He seethed in anger.

They stood face to face, both angry and hot headed, "It doesn't matter if you love her Ron, you can't get her out anyways. And if that's really how you see her..... then your naivity is what's going to get you killed". After that Rob left frustrated, bypassing Sean while he left and not caring if he nudged him harshly. 

"What happened?", Sean asked, concerned. 

"Nothing", Ron said and went back up his bunk to sleep. 

Maybe I can get her out He thought and closed his eyes. 

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