Chapter 8

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"It's a New Dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life. For me" -
Nina Simone


Another day in hell  Eden thought to herself when she woke. 

"You've been sleeping for a while", Sid pointed out, not looking away from that book of hers. 

"What time is it then?", Eden asked and stood up to stretch her sore back. "Lunch, our escorts are coming soon" 

The mechanical doors opened and men in white came out, walking toward everyone's cage. One stationed outside every inmate and each cell opened in sync after a loud buzzer was heard and a red light flashed. 

Two guards were stationed by Sid's cell and when it opened she immediately stood up, causing the guards to take a step back and hold onto their weapons tighter. "C'mon guys, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just hungry that's all", Sid said, book still in hand. 

"What's that?", One of the two men gestured to her book in her hand with a rough voice. "A wide range dictionary", Sid said calmly. The same guard drew the book away from her and began to look through it, inspecting it. Eden's attention was drawn to the scene occurring before her, Sid was becoming aggravated.

"That's mine", Sid huffed and extended her hand as if waiting for him to return it. "Nothing here is yours", The man said. 

"I think otherwise, now", she took a breath. "Give. It. Back", Her voice turned hard as steel and the man before her gave it back to her with no hesitation. Best not to anger anyone here, especially Sid. 

Eden took a breath of relief, she's never seen Sid angered before and she didn't wish to anytime soon. Soon. Eden was escorted to the cafeteria and was seated as her food was delivered to her. 

The area wasn't anything different than a prison cafeteria that you see in tv. Not completely clean, blood stains on the ground and a certain smell that no one could get rid of. There were zero to few windows in the room, not big enough to get a sense of where they were anyways. 

Eden began to eat her food silently as she was seated alone, she was used to it and didn't mind in the slightest. She heard faint laughter from across the room, it was familiar to her as it was Sid's laugh. Although, it sounded fake to Eden and unnatural. She looked toward the sound and saw Sid sitting with a young guard without his mask. A man not any older than Eden herself, so around 18 or so. 

He ran a hand through his blond hair and smiled cheekily, he looked smitten over Sid and Sid looked the same to Eden. She huffed in annoyance as she realized the man must've been Ron and to that she bitterly chewed her poorly made sandwich. 

Eden could suddenly feel eyes watching her from behind. She didn't look around, in fear of confrontation and because of the chill it sent up her spine. Being where she was and what she looked at, being watched is a normal thing. Along with being poked with needles for blood and physical activities she undertook. 

No, this feeling of being watched made her feel uneasy, this gaze was like no other, causing Eden to stop eating completely. She turned though hesitant and faced whoever was staring, it was Atlas. The boy who could see beyond the grave. If anything he looked harmless, and the feeling Eden had before washed away like waves upon a sandy beach. 

She lightly smiled and waved, but the boy quickly looked down and his usual pale skin was painted with the faint colour of red. Eden turned around to see Sid again, seeing her happy and playful with the young guard, Ron. Who was he to have stolen her only friend? Eden thought with distaste. 

"My only friend", Ed said to herself sadly. Eden looked down at her hands and played with her fingers in helplessness. With one last glance at Sid, she hoped to see Sid wave to her and call out her name, but that was not the case. 


"HI, my name is Eden and I was wondering if I could sit with you?", Eden asked quickly. She was standing before Atlas, tray in hand , believing he must've been as lonely as her. 

The boy's eyes widened in surprise, but nodded in response. "Why.... why did you... you decide to sit... sit with me?", The boy stuttered in a flustered tone. Eden blushed in embarrassment, "I ... I wanted more than one friend". 

"And I look desperate enough to want one?", Atlas asked defensively. 

"No! Not at all, in fact you looked like you needed one but not in desperation. It's.. It's hard being lonely here... And I noticed you staring before", Eden said. Honesty completely taking over her features and vulnerability. 

Atlas blushed and looked down at his food, "Sorry, I'm not good at making friends. Especially now"

"Me neither, especially now. I mean have you seen these wings, it brings so much unwanted attention. I wish I looked like you..... normal"

Atlas looked at her and smiled, an actual smile! And it reached his beautiful grey eyes. 

"Trust me. I'm anything but normal, I am here aren't I?", He said and his smile quickly disappeared as soon as it came. 

"How about we learn to be friends together? Deal?", Eden asked sincerely and held out her hand, intending for him to take it. Moments passed while Atlas looked at her hand with a blank expression, an uncomprehensive façade. 

"Together", he said finally and took her hand in agreement. As if ignoring the shock that ran through his fingers when he touched her, he began to eat. 

"My name is Atlas", he paused to take another bite of his sandwich, "And I like your wings. They're pretty" 

Eden smiled and began to eat again happily, talking to Atlas about her time here while he listened attentively. And as Eden was having her fun with a new friend, Sid looked over at them with a disdainful glare. 

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