Chapter 7

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"The freedom, of falling. A feeling I thought was set in stone" 
- Dean Lewis


 She was falling, descending under the force of gravity with no control. 

She couldn't see anything, but her eyes widened nonetheless and her voice was stuck in her throat when she tried to scream for help. 

She fell at a fast rate and terror creeped unto her like shadows in the moonlight. Her wings were stuck and she tried with all her might to unfold them and take flight. 

Falling. No control. No safety. Not knowing when she would land or how far she was in height. 

Her body twisted and turned and her breath picked up in speed like the rate she'd been descending. 

She could feel it. She could feel herself coming into closer contact with the ground and closed her eyes tightly, awaiting the impact.


Her eyes opened in shock to the bright lights above her and she finally screamed. So loudly that the scientists around her winced at the shriek that came from her lips. After, she quickly looked around in panic at the area she was in and the people surrounding her. Doctors in white coats and glasses, guards in black and blocking the exit. Everything was either metal or plastic by the looks of it. 

Different tables with different utensils placed upon it, a heart monitor to her side and a large metal table which she was strapped on. 

She tried lifting her head but in vain because her head felt weighted down by an unknown force. Instead she glanced down at her body and saw needles drawing blood from her arms, making her feel sick to her stomach. 

"Put her under another anesthetic", A voice ordered. 

After another minute with no activity but the overwhelming feeling of being invaded personally, her eyes began to close. And soon Eden was rendered under darkness again. 


"You don't look very pretty", A familiar voice said to her. 

Eden woke up again in her cell with a headache coming on. "I don't feel very pretty either", Eden groaned. 

She opened her eyes fully and looked at Sid from across, who was sitting cris crossed on the ground with a book in hand. 

"Where did you get that?", Eden asked inquisitively. If Aaron were now allowing inmates to household items, surely things were looking up. Maybe she could handle a book or two herself, she missed the new book smell. 

"Shhh. It was a gift from Ron and I've taken quite an interest in it", Sid muttered while flipping another page. 

"Oh". Ron she thought to herself in exaggeration. He was a young guard that was stationed to keep watch in the cafeteria. Over the course of the week she hadn't spoken to Sid at all because she'd be spending her time with Ron, talking to Ron and laughing with Ron. All while she sat by her lonesome. 

It felt like school all over again, except this time she felt left behind. 

"So!", Sid began and closed the book. "What's up with you?" 

Eden looked up at her from the ground in surprise Sid is actually talking to me now . "Uh.. Nothing much. Just waiting" 

"For what?", Sid asked. 

"Another exercise", Eden said flatly with no emotion in her voice. Sid crept closer to the bars and looked at Eden with concern. 

"Are you okay? What did they do this time?", Sid voiced with anger, frustration and genuine concern. Her hands gripping tightly on the bars as if trying to dent them or break free. 

Eden shivered in thought at the nightmare she had and shook her head. "Nothing unusual, just a few blood tests and anesthetics" 

"Then what's bothering you?" 

"How would you know something's bothering me?", Eden asked harshly. 

"Well other than the obvious lack of eye contact and your mind screaming in fear I can tell. Plus, you and I both know I can read people easily"

"That's because you're guessing" 

"I'm not so sure about that anymore. Being right all the time isn't coincidence, so I might as well accept the fact that I'm a freak like the rest of you", Sid said plainly with a small smile on her face. 

"Oh wow I'm glad you think so highly of us", Ed drenched her words in sarcasm. 

"Great. Now what's really bothering you?", Sid asked once more. 

Eden shrugged her shoulders in defeat and said, "Just a nightmare" 

"About what? You can trust me Eden, I won't judge", Sid looked at her with her honesty and openness. 

"I was falling", Ed said. "I couldn't control my movements and my wings wouldn't do anything. It.... It all felt so... so real". 

"Have you ever flew with your wings before?"

"No. And I'm not planning to anytime soon. In one of the excercises I was told to fly to a certain height, but I couldn't", Ed leaned against the wall for support, but gently as to not harm her wings. 

"Are you afraid of heights?", Sid asked and began to flip pages in her book. 

"No", Eden sighed in exasperration. She tilted her head to the side, letting her hair fall onto her shoulders. 

"So It's falling then? Makes sense, no one wants to fall.... at least I don't anyways", Sid chuckled under her breath at the thought and looked up at Ed with a brightness in her eyes. 

"Just hold on a sec...... Oh! I found it. You are...", She looked back at her book and started to read aloud. "Basiphobic. Gosh, I love this book" 

"Is that all you were looking for? A word in a stupid book? Do you even care at all?", Eden asked in an upset matter. 

Sid closed the book and grinned toward Ed, "Of course I care, I'm just having a bit of fun" 

"Fun?! Is this all a game to you?" 

"Well isn't it always a game? We're all playing it or being played and I'm done being a pon. That's why I came up with a plan" 

"A plan for what?", Eden huffed and crossed her arms tightly, trying to bring herself comfort. 

"An escape", Sid said and brang her fingers to her lips as If to silence Eden from saying anything. While Eden's eyes widened in shock and surprise An escape? After all of this time? she thought. 

Sid continued to read her book in silence and no words were shared between the two until the next day. 

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