Chapter 11

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"Show me where your love lies"
- Khalid, Normani


Sid woke up on a hard bed in the infirmary and briefly remembers herself choking out water when she was let out of the room.

Her eyes adjusted to the light in the room and she looked around cautiously. Ron was seated by the bed with his arms crossed, asleep.

Sid looked at him blankly before sitting herself up slowly, still a bit tired.

"Ronnie", she said and poked his shoulder lightly. Ron shifted in his seat and opened his eyes quickly. "Oh you're awake"

"Seems so, were you waiting long?", she asked and stood up.

"No, but I was tired"


"I was thinking about a few things", Ron admitted sheepishly.

"Like what? You can tell me", Sid placed her hand in his from where he sat. Ron stood and looked over her.

"Did you kill your parents Obsidian?"

All was quiet as Ron waited for an answer, wishing for it to not be true.

"So you heard", Sid feigned sadness.

Aaron removed her hands from his and took a step back. "So you did?", he asked for confirmation.

"Not in cold blood. I swear it was self defense... they were abusive Aaron... I wouldn't lie to you", Sid crossed her arms sadly and looked down at her feet.

"But you did"

"Well what would you have thought of me? I'm sorry, alright?"

Ron didn't respond, still caught up in thought.

"I thought you loved me?", Sid's voice broke and Ron couldn't take it. "I do love you", he held her in his arms and Sid looked up to him. Her eyes seeming desperate, pleading.

"Yet, I'm still here"

"Not for long", Ron said quickly.

"What do you mean?", Sid asked in surprise and gestured to the cameras in the corners of room.

"Don't worry I already turned them off before coming here. A friend owed me a favour".

Ron sat down and explained his whole plan to get her out. From distracting the guards and opening the gates, describing the floor plans of the building and pulling a map from his back pocket.

"I have a few things to do before you pull the switch", she bit her lip.

"What's that? Don't you want to leave with me?", He sulked.

"Of course I do! But I need to do this okay. Once I'm done then do what you must and we can leave right after. Just you and I"

"Alright, whatever you say", Aaron soon left the room, leaving a kiss on her cheek, while two guards from outside escorted her to her cell.

She smiled maliciously 'Yes, whatever you say'

Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I'm going back to writing I swear!!!!

Thank you so much for reading and please vote!

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