Chapter 19

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"You need our help?", I asked again.

It seemed pretty ridiculous that after all this time Sid needed help. Specifically our help. Atlas came closer to me and leaned down to my ear whispering,"I say we shouldn't do it".

I almost agreed, but looking at Sid again, I feel as though I owed her that much.

I whispered back at him, "We should hear her out first, okay?". He looked at me with worry in his eyes, but I didn't look at them for long because Sid spoke again.

"So I know it's been a year, alright, I do. And I have missed you, but it's not like I've never looked for you", Sid said with conviction.

I smiled a little bit, but it faltered after what Sid said next.

"But finding you wasn't my priority", Sid said and placed her closed fist in her open palm on her lap. "I had a few other things in mind. And you finding me wasn't a priority for you either, right?"

She had a point, so I nodded, urging her to go on.

"I'm not one to hold a grudge, but if you remember, and I think you do. We've been captive... tortured in that science facility for more than a year.

I don't really know how you guys dealt with your lives in that hell hole, but I sure as hell know they did some pretty unforgivable things. Ya know, other than keeping us against our will".

Sid's eyes somehow darkened at the thought of that wretched place. I shivered under her stare and at the memories which resurfaced.

Sure, Sid and I became friends, and I met Atlas there. But it's not like we would be around each other all the time. Half the time I was in and out of consciousness and another half was spent going through endless physical exercises (including flying).

To be honest, I might have had it better than everyone else that was there. Sid and Atlas included.

Atlas pulled me closer to him, somehow noticing my pained expression at the mention of that place.

"What is it that you want, Obsidian?"

"I want to find the leader or whoever was in charge of that blasted place", Sid said, as If it were obvious.

I looked to her in surprise and asked "Can't you just google it?"

"I would've if I could've, but obviously he or she isn't that easy to find. So over the year, after settling, I found someone who has information on where that person is"

"Why can't you ask this person on your own?", Atlas asked suspiciously. "The person that has this information wouldn't agree to speak to me because of what I did to his two friends. He agreed to meet at a nearby bar which is friendlier toward people like us. I just need you guys to ask him a few questions", Sid said.

"What did you do to his friends", Atlas asked the question which also ran through my mind. I knew Sid could be dangerous, she committed patricide before being captured.

"What do you think I did grim reaper?", Sid asked rhetorically.

"Alright I'll help", I said. I figure this couldn't hurt and it would be nice to finally get out there. I didn't even know there was a bar near here which would welcome us.

"Fine", Atlas agreed.

"Who's the person we have to meet?", I asked.

"He used to work at the Institution as a guard. His name's Sean and I'm guessing he had a change of heart", Sid smiled.

● ● ●

It was late at night when we left the apartment. Sid planned to meet us there by the doors, she told us she would wait outside for us.

Atlas and I walked hand in hand down the dark roads. Atlas seemed to be lost in thought until I interrupted him.

"Are you okay? I doubt we're gonna be there for long, maybe we could try a couple of drinks while we're there", I nudged him and tried to make light of it.

"I've never seen you drunk before and I think there's a first time for everything". He smiled just a little and stopped us from moving once we were under a light pole.

He took his hands and adjusted the hood over my head. My wings were protruding from the back of the sweater, I figured I might as well cut slits into the sweater for my wings to fit through.

Atlas placed his hands on my face and kissed me right then and there. It was simple and sweet. He brushed his thumb over my cheek and leaned back away from my face. I could feel myself blush intensely.

"I'm fine, but I don't think I'll be doing any drinking tonight or ever. I like to know that I have control over my actions", he smile a little wider at me, which caused me to do the same.

We continued to walk and I began to think about Atlas and me. I was grateful for him, but I'm still surprised that we ended up together, is that weird?

It just feels surreal because being in a relationship was the last thing on my mind once we escaped. I can remember the first time we kissed, it was pretty awkward between us, but only for a bit.

But then I realized that or I guess we both realized that there was no point about being weird about it. Especially when we felt the same way.

Ever since the escape we've always been together. We suffered the aftermath together, being kept at the Institution had an affect on the both of us.

Knowing that we weren't strangers was comforting as well.

I looked up to him and smiled as we continued to walk. Sooner or later we reached the bar, and just as promised, Sid was waiting outside of the bar with someone who I've never seen before.

Was it Sean? No, Sid said that Sean wouldn't want to see her. This guy looked so pale and his lips were almost blue, but it wasn't even that cold.

Coming closer I saw that his eyes were closed and as he leaned against the building his arms were crossed. He remained still even when Atlas and I approached them.

"Who's this?", Atlas asked curiously.

"This is my boyfriend Aric Brightly" Sid smiled from ear to ear.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Hope you're excited to see Sean again.
If you don't remember who he is, he was friends with Aaron and Rob.

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