chapter 15

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   "Is this the real life. Is this just fantasy. Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality" - Bohemian Rhapsody


His eyes opened, startling me and yet rendering me in a new state of calm. I stared into his eyes as if for the first time and watched as confusion befell his face.

He crouched down and placed his hand against the glass. As much as I wanted to just stare into his eyes and act as though this is some romantic drama, I needed to get him out of there.

I took a step back and looked around for some sort of control panel or hard object to throw at the glass.

I heard Aric knock on glass and looking at him, he pointed to a fallen chair.

"Seriously?", I asked incredulously.

I looked at it once and then back at him. I'd be wasting time if I didn't use my own resources at hand. So, without a second thought a punched the glass with as much force as possible.

The glass cracked, I took it as a warning to take a few steps back. Aric touched the glass once more and the glass shattered.

Pieces of glass hit and scattered across the floor, following soon after was the flood of water.

I wasted no time at all in catching Aric, although my knees buckled causing me to fall to the floor. The only thing I saved him from was the glass covered floor.

I brought him up to his bare feet, his cold body resting against mine. Even though no words were spoken, enough was said.

The fire was catching on faster, I could feel the heat, but Aric was like a human ice bag.

He was colder than ice if that were even possible; It almost burned to touch him.

"Come on", I heaved. Aric was slowly falling out of consciousness which was making it harder for me to carry him.

I felt a cool breeze further up the hallway , and as luck would have it, there was an open door.

It must've been the place that Aaron told me we would go. I did lose track along the way.

His old convertible was waiting, a bit scratched but not too damaged. I'm surprised no one thought to hijack it in all the panic, it was a good thing I had the keys.

I placed Aric in the passenger seat quickly and placed a quick kiss on his forehead.

His complexion than was so pale and his hair... almost silver or platinum. It worked well for him, it added to his already sharp features which I had missed terribly.

I started the car quickly and drove off as fast as possible. I was finally free! After all this time, after all this torture and grief and loneliness.

I've been driven to the point of insanity. Further insanity if anything else.

I felt the ground shake and heard a large boom! from behind me and I stopped the car instantly with a loud screech from the tires.

Aric was still unconscious but that didn't stop me from placing my arm over his chest because of the brake. I looked behind me, allowing my hair to cover my face due to the wind.

The institution which kept me prisoner for so long had blown to bits. I smiled triumphantly and continued to drive on.

I didn't know where we would go but I knew it would be far, far, far away from here.

Even though I came to the conclusion to leave the past behind me, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened to my dear friend, Ed.

I continued to look over the edge of the building which I stood upon. I played with edge as if it were a balance beam in a gymnasium.

I felt the cool air against my face and smiles. It's been yet another year, but freedom can ever be appreciated so much.


Sorry that it's been a while since I've updated. I've been busy, but that's no excuse. Please continue to vote and comment!!

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