Letter to all

19 4 2

Dear Readers, 

I've tried discovering as much of their past as I could and it's no easy task. 

I'm using all of my vacation days at work just for this single task, that'll give me about a week maybe more.

I recently got a lead by an anonymous source about the explosion at the Institute of Science which occurred 2 years ago to this day. When I dug up for more information I found out that they were conducting illegal experiments in their underground facility, but I knew they had government protection so this wasn't the information I could share publicly. At least, not without being silenced. 

There were 70% of casualties and very few survivors. At the moment I'm trying to find at least one survivor so I can find out what really happened that day. The public was told by the head of the Institute that it was just an accident but now I know better. 

I wonder if there really is anyone to blame for our 'villains'. Is it one person that caused this or a group of people? Why am I even looking for answers? Is it because of my journalistic tendencies to discover the truth? 

I don't know how far I'll go into discovering the truth, I already know too much information which I will not share with you for your own safety. 


Oliver Brightly

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