Chapter 16

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"Hands getting cold, losing feeling, getting old" - Billie Eilish


I WOKE UP to see Atlas' peaceful unconscious state. The natural light coming through the tinted windows gave the room a very dim and grey look.

But it was stuffy and too dangerous to leave the window open, especially where we are.

Not that I couldn't take care of myself, but Atlas was still pretty defenseless and I wouldn't want to keep my guard up constantly. I'm tired of looking over my shoulder for any danger.

Death always called for me like an echo in a cave. I didn't crave it, but I felt closer to the epitome of darkness more than I had ever been.

I didn't know the feeling of freedom until I left the Institute which I called home. But coming back to civilization I realized that there wasn't really any escape or justice to be served.

I shook away these thoughts and decided to go outside, just for a short while, just for some fresh air. A crappy apartment can only be a great living space for a short while. I could still here the dripping from the kitchen sink.

I crept out of the bed as quietly as I could, as to not wake Atlas from his sleep. He's always worrying, even if he doesn't want to show it. Sleep is the best thing for him, it's better than being awake.

Once I was up, I put on a large grey sweater so I couldn't draw attention to myself. Although, the big hump on my back would be a dead give away to the fact that I'm not normal.

My wings.

I've treated myself well enough over the past year, I haven't flown recently, but it's easier to carry the weight on my back. To my relief I'm less sickly and I feel more human if that's even possible.

I left a note on the small table, just in case Atlas woke up to find me gone.

● ● ●

The streets were empty and the sky was grey like smoke. Flyers flew across the road and I was dying to just pick them up, but I knew what they would say. Or what they would symbolize.


Hate against those who were different from everyone else, those who appeared to contrast the morals of human kind.

But I wasn't a monster, right?

Ever since the escape from the Institute, everything had gone to shit in the modern world.

Some who escaped were lucky enough to hide from the authorities. But due to the fear of the people, a majority of escapees were killed on site.

I don't know if anyone was taken... again. But if they were, no one has heard from them.

I was far enough away from the apartment that I knew it was time to turn back. The fresh air was nice, I didn't feel suffocated. 

Suffocation. State of being unable to breathe or the feeling of being trapped. I'd been trapped for a while, like a bird in a cage.

I prefer the outdoors compared to inside now  which is funny to me. Had I met myself from at least 2 years ago, the idea of going outside was absurd.

I laughed quietly to myself, but stopped when I suddenly heard another noise from up above.

The surrounding buildings were made of chalky stone, windows were broken, and spray paint covered the walls. The whole area was abandoned or at least it seemed that way.

I looked around me in a slight panic and began to think of all the self defense methods I could think of. Not that it would be of any use to me. If I were in any danger I'd fly away, but that's a last resort. I wouldn't want to risk being seen by anyone.

I heard another noise from up above, it sounded like footsteps. But they were too quick for me to make out.

To my right I saw someone on the ledge of a building. The person was wearing a dark hoodie and as far as I could tell, was staring right at me.

I began to think it was a bounty hunter that went after my kind of people. I've never encountered one face to face, but they were reported on the news.

An escapee was found dead in an abandoned farmhouse. Pinned to the wall like a butterfly in a glass case. It looked gruesome, but people encouraged the people who caused it.

That event started a chain reaction and more people started to hunt in order to find us. Some did it for money and others for sport.

It hurt sometimes, knowing how hated you truly are for circumstances you didn't ask for.

I started to back away slowly from where I was while watching the person on the ledge. I was trying to analyze them, see if he or she reacted to my movements.

The person, without a care in the world it seemed, jumped off the small building, feet first onto the pavement. I began to mentally prepare myself for a run until my name was called.

"Eden", The voice sounded so familiar. My eyes widened as I realized who it could be. After all this time...the last person I thought I would ever see.



I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. Literally no excuses except that I was lazy, busy or both.

I'll try harder 😫

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