Chapter 14

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I sat on the edge of the rooftop, swinging my legs while I looked over the city. It looked so different at night than in the day, but that was a given with urban life. 

I've been so tired lately, but also nostalgic. I couldn't help but think back to that night in my place of..... torture. Also thinking about the people I left behind so willingly, it made me feel somewhat guilty but nothing I would cry over. 

It was time to leave the past behind me, throw it over the bridge and ditch. Yet, as much as I didn't want to think about it, I did. 

Eden and I ran as fast as our legs could carry us, through the long corridors and sharp turns. Eden, I could tell was not a runner, in fact she was far from it, but I doubt the weight of her wings helped at all. 

Although, she's faster than I previously calculated with the narcotic in her system. 

The alarms were flashing red with an alarm blasting through the speakers. I couldn't see any guards rushing to apprehend us which was probably due to an emergency such as this escape. Also because of the small fire I started. 

"Hey... hey Sid? Where's Aaron?", She gasped. We were almost at the staircase. 

"He's outside, we'll meet him there. Now save your breath", I lied.

The roof began to quake and I could tell Eden was losing balance. Without thinking I pulled her in front of me, causing me to fall behind onto the floor. A beam blocked my path from Eden to me along with a few scattered pieces of cement. 


"I'm fine. Get outside in whatever way you can, don't stop for anyone", I yelled and ran the opposite direction, trying to find another way out. I knew this was the last time I would see Ed and I smiled at the thought of having a decent friend for so long. I wasn't the easiest person to get along with and I had a few... issues. 

If I was right, then Eden would probably stop at some point for Atlas but that wasn't my problem anymore. 

I stopped running in order to catch my breath, I couldn't see anyone in sight and just continued to walk. I knew I had a time limit until the whole place came crashing down, but I was exhausted. "I haven't slept for three nights!! Planning this whole escape just to end up lost myself...", I mumbled to myself in exasperation. 

I came to a stop when I noticed the first open door, it wasn't any regular door in comparison to the other departments. This door was metallic with the word 'Caution' in bright red, written on it. This grabbed my attention, obviously. 

I carefully walked in, although it should've been clear that no one was here. It was a large room, similar to a bio laboratory . The lights were turned off, replaced with the dim emergency lights and papers were scattered on the floor. "Probably due to the panic", I thought aloud. 

What really grabbed my attention was the curtain in the far corner, covering a tube of some sort with water. I pulled the curtain back quickly and lost all train of thought. 

A boy was suspended in water, eyes closed, palest of skin and white hair..... almost resembling.... "But it couldn't be..:, I thought to myself in astonishment. Aric Brightly. 

I taped the glass once and received no response, then again and again and again until finally I noticed some movement. 

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