Chapter 13

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It's been a year since the escape, since Eden had seen Sid.... but she could still remember it vividly. She could remember her and there is no way she could forget her even if she tried.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      She can remember the confusion and turmoil in all that was happening, Eden was scared for her life... Since then, well, a lot of things have changed but It never stopped her from thinking back to that night. 

It was night time, the time for rest, sleep and prep for tomorrows experiments or activities. In some cases the late hours were a time for mischief, chaos and darkness of the soul or beauty. However you wish to look at it I suppose.  

Obsidian had been missing for about a day and The Weasel, Aaron was furious so to speak. He was actually quiet instead of talking Eden's ear off when he came by her cell. The whole place or wherever she was, was on lockdown. 

When it was first discovered she was missing, Eden was disappointed, depressed, discouraged. Eden was heartbroken. 

For all she knew, Sid could have died ,which seemed very likely to her considering that the other Aaron was still here. Eden had gone a long time without friends, Atlas was great, her comic relief even (His puns got her every time ). Sid was her first friend, her support and actual hope in getting out of there. 

The guards were more strict when handling everyone, one false move and you were sent to the infirmary due to 'accidental'  injuries. 

This lasted for only  a day ,thank gosh, but it would soon become worse. As the evening followed guards were changing their shifts and there was double in amount of them. Eden was tired from todays physical, they injected some sort of  blue narcotic which made her increasingly tired. It felt like her whole body would shut down, her eyelids heavy and breathing even. 

The cold floor , a warm cloud on a summers day. Her wings felt weightless and her back was at ease for the first time in forever it felt. As soon as she closed her eyes it only felt like a minute had past when she opened them again. She was being shaken by her shoulder, someone calling for her to get up as alarms were blasting from the walls. 

"Ed.....Ed! Eden wake up! We need to go!", Sid was yelling for her to get up, there was panic laced in her voice. 

"What..". Eden began in a haze, "Where were you?". 

"Busy coming up with an escape plan which is going mediocre so far. Probably should've brought Aaron with me but oh well"

Eden stood with the help of Sid and came to a realization, still slow from only just waking up. Sid was in her cell, they were in a cell together!  Most of the guards lay dead on the floor , one or two were groaning in pain. Eden stared at them in horror, Sid noticed this. 

Sid gently moved Ed's face with her hands by her chin so Eden was facing her, "Don't look at them. Look at me ok? Only me" 

Eden nodded and focused on Sid's movements. She looked different, more elated, more energetic, wild. Her eyes were so hard to read as many things were going through her mind right now. Sid pointed to the door  and said in hushed tones: 

"I'm just gonna brief you on what's happening. Very soon you will feel very energetic and awake, I switched the doctor's syringes with a stimulant drug that took a while to take affect. It recharges the body by first putting it under a state of rest, yours took longer than most" 

Eden nodded, trying to take in all the information while her heart felt like it was going a mile a minute. 

"All the 'Prison mates' have escaped, the cell doors were opened thanks to moi, you're welcome. We are going to run straight through that door and we are not looking back, do you hear me?" 

Eden shook her head in thought of that night and heard the door of her apartment open, it was Atlas. "Hey, I'm back" 

He was wearing a dark blue, torn hoodie and held a brown paper bag which held groceries. He had changed a lot over the year, he was more happy. 

"The riots are getting worse out there, It was pretty tricky finding my way back but it was nothing I couldn't handle". 

Eden stood from the floor and aided Atlas with the food, "Evelyn is still okay with us being here right?"

"Of course she is, stop worrying about it", Atlas said. 

Evelyn was the landlady of their apartment, an old landlady who has no problem with Eden and Atlas staying over without paying for rent.  The first time they met she said, "I haven't had this much excitement since college, this one time when Betty Anderson beat up Christie Stewart, ha! Those were the days". She'd go on like that all the time and always brought them homemade snickerdoodles as her treat. 

Eden began to think and wasn't paying attention to Atlas until he shook her shoulder lightly. "Hey are you okay?", he asked concerned. 

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just tired", Eden lied. Atlas kissed her on the cheek gently, "Get some sleep, I'll put the rest of the food away". 

Eden nodded and left to bed, and as she closed her eyes she could only think about Sid and what had ever happened to her. 

Villainous ActsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora