Chapter 10

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"Don't go breaking my heart"
- Elton John


That very same night, Sid and Eden were having a converstaion of their own. 

"I saw you with Atlas today", Sid stated as matter of factly. Eden glared at Sid in disbelief, "Oh, is that a problem for you?". 

"Obviously not, Ed. You can have as many friends as you want. I approve of him anyways", Sid said with a shrug. 

"Approve? I shouldn't need your approval for anything. How were you and your boyfriend, Aaron? And how's the escape going? As you can see I'm still behind bars", Eden seethed between her teeth in aggravation. 

"Shhh! Why not let the whole world know of my plans with that big mouth of yours? First of all, Aaron is fine and don't rush me on the escape or it won't happen, be patient", Sid changed her posture against the bars and started again, "Second... why are you so upset with me?". 

She peered at Eden through the bars with sadness in her eyes, not being able to see her clearly in the dark. Ed sighed in disappointment of herself, "I'm sorry. It just seems that you're with Aaron all the time, do you even like him?". 

Sid did not reply. "Okay then what about your other boyfriend that isn't dead?", Ed asked accusingly with frustration running through her. 

"He would understand exactly why I'm doing this", Sid said quietly but with determination. A few moments passed before Eden spoke again, "It seems like you've forgotten about me", Ed's voice broke and tears reached her eyes. 

A newfound sadness took ahold of Sid's heart at hearing Eden's voice. She moved toward the bars, wanting to reach toward Eden but could not because of the stupid bars. "I would never forget you Eden", Sid spoke with such compassion and promise. "Just..... give me time". 


The girls slept and awoke, well rested and prepared to start another day. 

Sid was to undergo a form of physical testing, which was requested by the bedridden Warden. In other words, Sid might be facing death in the face today. She changed into different clothes, a tight, blue shirt and black leggings, the most decent pair of clothing she'd worn in a while. 

She was escorted to another white room with a two way mirror, similar to the room with a desk and chair. But still different, this room appeared to be more sealed by the corners and edges of the wall. 

Two people in lab coats came toward her and placed two white pads agains her chest and gave her brief checkup before leaving her in the room. 

"I've noticed I haven't been given a blindfold", Sid siad pointlessly. She looked into the mirror and smiled at her reflection. A girl with dark hair, pale skin and dark eyes with a smile etched onto her face. She ran a hand through her hair and said, "I should really dye my hair, have fun with it". 

"Hello 6612. You will be tested on physique, endurance and lung capacitation. In ten seconds and following the countdown, water will be filled into the room", Someone spoke from the other side with no emotion in their voice. 

Sid's eyes widened in surprise and soon panic came into her voice. "I might drown! I will drown!", She yelled but was ignored again. A buzzer sounded and the clock above the mirror began to go down from 10 


"No! Get me out!", Sid began to push against the doors and kick in vain. 


 Water began to fill the room from the floor at a fast pace, quickly enough it reached Sid's knees and soon her waist. She began to panic and hyperventilate in actual fear and pushed on the door with all of her strength, soon a sudden burning came to her hands. "Ow! What the hell?", Sid looked down at her hands and saw nothing indifferent about them. She looked up at the door and saw a burned imprint of her hands against the white door, a new ability. 

She pressed her hands against the door again and felt the unknown burn reach her hands  and yelled in pain, refusing to let go. Her hands caught aflame, but Sid did not let up. She didn't want to die. 


"I'm going to kill every one of you until my last breath! Don't think I'll forget this because I never will!", Sid gave up on the door and looked straight at the mirror, in her own reflection.Anger setting in her eyes as she vowed, "I will be the last thing you see when you close your eyes, I will deny you death until you beg for me to end your pathetic lives! Your screams will be my lullaby and my voice will be of death calling your name" 



Water reached her neck and quickly reached the roof as the clock made it to 1. 

She held her breath for as long as she could, her lungs screaming for air until she let out a breath. She stayed facing the mirror and instead of fighting, became completely still. She let herself float, becoming tired and losing energy to keep her eyes open, her anger slowly seeped away and was replaced with serenity. A state of peace. She closed her eyes and let darkness consume her. 





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